The story of Qin Shi Huang is as epic in life as it is in death. Crowned as a boy king over 2,000 years ago, he grew to unify China for the first time, establishing a new form of government, uniform laws, and a single writing system that is still in use today. He also ordered the construction of a royal tomb that is larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza and is guarded by a massive army of terracotta warriors. Explore the transformative life and magnificent afterlife of China's first emperor.
The best hotels have specific qualities. Fine dining, sublime comfort, captivating entertainment, and… Access to the latest weapons? Reliable fake IDs? Flawless body disposal?! Ikuo and Sara are two concierges on the boundary of death who can never say "no." How do they respond to the requests of professional killers…? The curtain rises on a killer hotel drama!
Something Borrowed, Something New is an American reality television series that premiered February 8, 2013, on TLC. Hosted by Kelly Nishimoto and Sam Saboura, brides-to-be are able to choose between a new designer dress or their reimagined heirloom. Created by Florence Deprez-Wright and Tanya Gill.