A group of 3 yakuza failed their boss for the last time. After messing up an important job, the boss gave them 2 choices: honorably commit suicide, or go to Thailand to get a sex reassignment surgery in order to become "female" idols. After a gruesome year training to become idols, they successfully debut, with overwhelming popularity, much to their dismay. This is where their tragedy truly begins.
An astronaut's return after a 30-year disappearance rekindles a lost love and sparks interest from a corporation determined to learn why he hasn't aged.
When Helen Tudor-Fisk's life falls apart, she takes a job in a small suburban firm specialising in wills and probate assuming that, because the clients are dead she won't have to deal with people.
A seemingly happy marriage begins to dissolve when the husband's faithfulness is called into question, and both spouses become tempted by other desires.
Expert interviews and gripping reenactments combine to reveal the extraordinary life of Alexander the Great and his burning desire to conquer the world.
After the assassination of prime minister Olof Palme in 1986, Stig Engström managed to elude justice right up to his death through a combination of audacity, luck, and a perplexed police force.
The crime shocked Brazil: Elize Matsunaga shot and dismembered her rich husband. Featuring her first interview, this docuseries dives deep into the case.
Javier is going through a bad patch: he can hardly make it to the end of the month, his business of T-shirts with de-motivational slogans is not quite getting the attention, and his relationship with Lola is shacking. The least thing he needed was for an alien to fall on him and transfer his powers to him before dying.
During the period of martial law in 1960s Taiwan, some teachers and students from Cui Hua High School were arrested for possessing banned books. A female student fell to her death and rumors spread of a ghost haunting the campus. Thirty years later, the draconian culture of the school remains unchanged as a new transfer student uncovers the dark secrets behind the school’s haunting.
Twelve-year-old identical twins Dru and Kal discover that the government is secretly tracking and manipulating Australia's youth via electronic tracking devices.