After discovering his estranged daughter's link to mysterious murders, a forensic detective with Asperger's syndrome risks everything to solve the case.
A young girl falls in love with a poor brewer's son. Their relationship is opposed by the girl's father, a rich mobster who has come to town to try to bully his way into the inner circle of Munich's brewery dynasties.
Hip-Hop today is a global culture that has changed music, dance, fashion, language —and even politics. But where did this worldwide cultural movement begin? We trace hip-hop back to its humble beginnings, when the kids of the Bronx crammed into house parties, rec rooms, and public parks to hear music like they’d never heard it before.
When a woman of humble origins is coerced into surrogacy, she becomes entangled with an affluent family who will protect their reputation at all costs.
Two inseparable friends move to Kyoto to chase their dreams of becoming maiko, but decide to pursue different passions while living under the same roof.
The Republic of Korea is overturned by 2 trillion-won divorce scandal of a chaebol caused by one ordinary woman. It is about getting into the truth of the scandal and the top 1% rich couple who made it. Surprisingly, Lee Ra-el, a nobody who's not rich nor famous has caused the divorce. But Ra-el is a charming and intelligent woman who's mastered art, psychology, and even economics. if she wants to, she can get any kind of man with her looks and brain.
Twelve people think they're in the final casting round for a reality show. In fact, they're already being secretly filmed, with 100,000 euros at stake.
A gate to another dimension has burst open, and from it emerge gigantic invincible creatures that threaten all of humanity. Earth's only defense is a mysterious group of warriors who have co-opted the alien technology in order to fight back!