Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, whose mead hall in Heorot has been under attack by a monster known as Grendel.
Based on a true story and the book, At the Devil's Table: The Untold Story of the Insider Who Brought Down the Cali Cartel by award-winning investigative reporter William C. Rempel, En la Boca del Lobo follows the series of events that ultimately lead to the dramatic downfall of Colombia’s infamous Cali drug cartel. The story centers on Ricardo Salgado, an engineer and soldier who rises ranks and became in charge of the security of the godfather of the Cali Cartel, one of the largest criminal organizations in the world and rival of the Medellin Cartel.
Within the world of Exandria, there are an unlimited amount of stories to be told — and we have only just begun. Each mini Exandria Unlimited series exists within the same world as Critical Role and allows us to expand Exandria through new adventures outside our regular campaigns.
Jonah is a child soldier and the newest bodyguard for Koko, an international arms dealer with an entourage of hired guns. The cold-blooded kid hates Koko’s line of work, but following her into the darkest corners of the black market might be the only way he can find those responsible for his family’s slaughter. Besides, his employer isn’t like most merchants of death. She uses guile and cutthroat tactics to keep her clients armed to the teeth—all while cultivating her own warped plan for the future of world peace. With the CIA desperate for her capture, assassins eager to collect her head, and the potential for every contract to end in ultra-violence, Koko and her comrades in arms bring the boom to every corner of the world.
Kevin Corcoran is a rugged young Irish immigrant policeman trying to keep the peace in the historical Five Points neighborhood in 1860s New York City while searching for information on the disappearance of his wife and death of his daughter.
Dr. Samantha Hill is an earthquake research scientist at a noted university in Washington State. Her alternative theories and her take-charge attitude cause friction with her peers. When the controversial Dr. Hill is ultimately put in charge, she is effectively entrusted with saving the entire population of the West Coast from a series of earthquakes that threaten to permanently fracture the West Coast from the rest of North America.
Nueno Mesuke, better known as Nube, is a school teacher who does more than just teach. You see, Nube's left hand is a huge, nasty-looking demon's claw. He uses it to get rid of malicious demons, ghosts, spirits and other supernatural beings that are giving his students a hard time. Nube's left hand was normal, until one fateful day when he exorcised an extremely powerful demon from a child. He was outmatched and lost his left hand. The only way to fight it was to let it enter his body. As a result, Nube has a demonic left hand where his own hand used to be.
To educate and protect — that is what Jigoku Sensei Nube does.
Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future is a 1987–88 Canadian-American science fiction/action television series, merging live action with animation based on computer-generated images, that ran for 22 episodes in Canadian and American syndication.
An ordinary walk home from school turns into an epic journey for Usato. After suddenly being dropped into another world with two fellow students, Usato learns he was summoned there by accident. But things turn around when he discovers a unique aptitude for healing magic! Now, he trains beyond human limitations, using his self-healing abilities to gain absurd strength and unrivaled stamina.
In the not-so-distant future, genetically enhanced dogs are sent across the universe in search of a new home for the human race. It’s a giant cosmic game of fetch, as the canines seek a planet that will save humanity and - more importantly - let them return to their beloved owners.
While attending a Hollywood premiere with a famous action star, a crazed fan pulls a gun—but her movie hunk turns into a coward, and it's Vallery who becomes the hero. Suddenly, she's thrown into a world of action and danger as owner of a Hollywood protection agency, Vallery Irons Protection (V.I.P.), taking risks to protect others at a price few are willing to pay.
After losing a chance to win a million dollars, campers from "Total Drama Island" get a second chance to win a million dollars through movie-oriented challenges for the next 6 weeks.
Three anthropomorphic mice motorcyclists named Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie escape a war on their home planet Mars before arriving to defend the Earth from the evil that destroyed their homeland and to one day return to Mars.
TNA iMPACT offers a unique style of wrestling that features a blend of the traditional with high-flying athleticism and cutting edge action. TNA's roster includes the biggest names in wrestling today, and the hottest new stars in the sport.
Guy-Am-I, an inventor, and his friend Sam-I-Am go on a cross-country trip that would test the limits of their friendship. As they learn to try new things, they find out what adventure brings.
Sequel to the 2018 animated series SSSS.Gridman and the third installment of the Gridman multimedia franchise.
When Yomogi Asanaka, a first-year student at Fujiyokidai High School, meets Gauma, he claims to be a "kaiju user." But the appearance of a kaiju followed by the entry of the gigantic robot, Dynazenon, backs up his mysterious words. After ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time; they get dragged into the desperate fight against the kaiju!
Driven by the desire to avenge his mother, a former gangster turned lawyer uses both his fists and the loopholes in law to fight against those with absolute power.