Set before his pyrotechnic rise to stardom, (M.C.) Hammer is still Stanley Kirk Burrell, helping kids at the local community center and dreaming of making it big as a rap music star. When some "magic dancing shoes" step into his life, Stanley is transformed into HAMMERMAN - the first musical superhero!
Commanded by Captain Michael Murphy, Sealab is dedicated to the exploration of the seas and the protection of marine life. Among other things, the crew of Sealab faced such challenges as attacks from sharks and giant squids, potential environmental disasters, and threats to Sealab and marine life from shipping.
In the Far Woods, animals don't eat each other. This is strictly prohibited by the Vegetarian Law, which is enforced by the police, like the rest of the laws. Chief Badger is the head of the police. His adopted son, Badgercat, follows in his father's footsteps, even though he starts to think that dad is getting old and boring. Badgercat doesn't quite understand whether he is a badger or a cat, but he is young and eager for adventure.
Leipzig in 1989 – Germany divided into East and West. The twelve-year-old friends Fritzi and Sophie don't care much about this - until Sophie has to flee to the West with her mother. There she struggles with prejudices against 'those from over there', but above all with her homesickness. Fritzi's attempt to at least bring Sophie her dog Sputnik fails because of the heavily guarded border. Fritzi realizes that only the fight for freedom in her country can bring the two of them together again.
Spooky Files is a fun, spooky, adventure-filled series that tackles kids' relationships with fear - with buckets of scares and truckloads of laughs along the way.
Five-day-a-week syndicated revival of one of Goodson-Todman's most durable and longest-lived formats: A celebrity panel determines which of three contestants is the actual person associated with a given story.
Each episode of this series tells the story of a famous fairy tale from all around the world. Some of them are adapted from famous books such as "The Iliad".
An animated adventure rescue series about four loveable, enthusiastic and heroic young deer friends – Kai, Lola, Rammy and Bobbi, who protect the animals of Central Forest and the humans who inhabit Platinum City.
Born over a tofu shop in Osaka, twin sisters Reiko and Kyoko have very different characters. Reiko is diligent, and longs for a secure, middle class lifestyle. Kyoko is a free spirit, who seeks thrills and adventure.
The Henry Ford’s Innovation Nation is a weekly Saturday morning show on CBS that showcases present-day change-makers from all over the world who are creating solutions to real needs. It is hosted by news correspondent and CBS Sunday Morning regular Mo Rocca. Each episode presents stories related to the process of innovation and also includes one story on The Henry Ford—its Archive of American Innovation, its unique visitor experiences and its unparalleled expertise. The intent is to stimulate curiosity and to inspire audiences with entertaining yet educational stories about yesterday and today’s visionaries and turning points that changed the course of history, as well as innovations and inventions that are changing the world today. The Henry Ford’s Innovation Nation is produced in partnership by The Henry Ford and Litton Entertainment, a leading independent production and distribution company.
An abalone that has been passed on for generations. A legacy of a hundred million dollars that everybody wants a share. "Heart of Greed" is a story of a renowned sea-products retailer and a big traditional family, in which there are those who manage to endure to the end, those who consider themselves superior to everyone else, those who love and respect their brothers, those who seek every opportunity to fulfill their ambition, those who stay loyal to their beloved, and those who remain grateful for whatever they get. But when hatred is stirred up among the family, the family will inevitably break down...