Welcome to How to Squoosh?, the "live" TV show that squooshes, crushes and flattens monsters and everything that scares kids, big and small. Witches, ogres, ghosts and hairy monsters of all kinds better hold on if they don’t want to end up flatter than a pancake.
Hope, Twister and Punch have hatched in a big city! The Marsupilamis live with twins Jade and Mica, and their grandma. Marsupilamis love playing wildly, so living hidden is a real challenge! Join them as they swing from the tops of buildings and cause chaos, all while having bucket loads of fun! Wild and playful, life is always exciting with these three!
This series is about being a toddler and discovering new daily activities that kids around the world share – going to bed, going down a slide, playing hide and seek, brushing your teeth, having dinner, singing, baking cookies and more.