Draco is, indeed, a dragon; but he's not scary at all. In the enthusiastic style of him, he learns in each chapter a pair of opposite words, for example: open-closed, high-low and more.
Uses everyday objects such as bottle caps, buttons and bits of wood to create magnificent and colorful scenes. Watch and be inspired to reuse and recycle such objects to create something new and exciting. Do it Yourself! Keep watching as we demonstrate how you can accomplish wonderful projects at home with your kids.
هو مسلسل عرائس مصري من تأليف وإخراج الراحل رحمي، كان له تأثير كبير في ثقافة الطفل المصري والعربي وقد حاز المسلسل علي متابعة الصغار والكبار، حيث ارتبط بوجدان الطفل لسنوات طويلة في ليالى شهر رمضان، حيث كان له الفضل في ارتباط الطفل المصري بعروسة مصرية خالصة من البيئة المصرية الاصيلة مما كان له أكبر الاثر في مواجهة الثقافات الغربية. صور مسلسل بوجي وطمطم في ثمانيات القرن العشرين حيث كان أول إنتاج له مسلسل عن السلوكيات وكان ذلك في عام 1983 وتوالت الاجزاء بعد ذلك (حوالي 18 جزء)..ومنها:
بوجي وطمطم في رمضان
الفيل الجميل
محطة فلافيلو
حكايات مع بوجي وطمطم
الفانوس السحرى
Touch the Sun was a television series commissioned by the Australian Children's Television Foundation in 1988 as part of the Australian Bicentenary celebrations. It may have been intended that seven feature-length episodes were produced, one for each State, plus the Northern Territory, but only six were completed. Executive producer was Patricia Edgar in association with the ABC and production company Revcom.
Little Wizard Tao is a children's adventure fantasy animated television series co-produced by South Korean G&G Entertainment and Chinese animation studio Motion Magic Digital Studios. The series was originally aired on KBS2 and later distributed to markets in China, Hong Kong, Great Britain and France. Little Wizard Tao premiered on 13 July 2009 and concluded on 26 April 2010. The series focuses on Tao, a young boy with magical powers, as he attends school to become a wizard.
The Red Caps patrol adventures in each episode in a different country. The patrol focuses on helping children and solving their problems. Opposed by the patrol is Santa's twin brother Basil and his assistant. In practice, the Red Caps Scout and Basil compete on which side manages to find the pieces of the magic crystal before the other and reassemble the crystal. Unless particles of the crystal are found before the Christmas Star lights up, Santa will not be able to distribute gifts to the children of the world.
Tiny Tumble is an art based animation with makaton signing, featuring Mr Tumble alongside a tiny animated character, Tiny Tumble. Tiny can draw to solve a problem - he enters a child's picture and the adventure begins.
Set in the imaginary world of Nowhere Land a brave and smart girl named Maggie and her two friends the rather cuddly misnamed Beast and the very particular pig Hamilton Hocks show preschoolers that friendship makes everything more fun! Foster your child's curiosity and problem-solving skills with these episodes: Picnic Time, Recipe For Trouble, The Lemonade Stand, The Big Carrot, A Visit to Cake Town, and The Big Hat.
Reläxx is a German television series.
Reläxx was a weekly kids- and youth magazine that was broadcast on KI.KA from 1997 to 2008. Between 1997 and 2006 it was produced by UFA Entertainment GmbH and since 2007 by X Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH on behalf of the German television channel rbb.