Wishbone is a children's television show. The show's title character is a Jack Russell Terrier of the same name. Wishbone lives with his owner Joe Talbot in the fictional modern town of Oakdale, Texas. He daydreams about being the lead character of stories from classic literature He was known as "the little dog with a big imagination". Only the viewers and the characters in his daydreams can hear Wishbone speak. The characters from his daydreams see Wishbone as whatever famous character he is currently portraying and not as a dog.
21 years ago, a baby arrived on earth inside of a peach. Today, five warriors based on the legend of Momotaro fight enemies that are inhabiting humans, invisible to the naked eye. Together they fight to take back gears based on previous Super Sentai.
Calimero is an Italian/Japanese cartoon about a charming, but hapless anthropomorphized cartoon chicken; the only black one in a family of yellow chickens. He wears half of his egg shell still on his head. Calimero originally appeared on the Italian television show Carosello on July 14, 1963, and soon became a popular icon in Italy.
The characters were later licensed in Japan as an anime series, twice. The first was made by Toei Animation and ran from October 15, 1974 to September 30, 1975, and the second, with new settings and characters, was made in 1992. Altogether, 99 Japanese episodes were made. The series mostly consists of the many adventures of Calimero and his friends as they solve mysteries and make documentaries. However, their adventures usually get them into quite a bit of trouble. The first series was also broadcast on European networks such as TROS, ZDF and RTL II or TVE.
Kaijudo is the story of Raiden Pierce-Okamoto, aka Ray, a talented 14-year-old boy, and the two worlds in which he lives. One is the real world much like our own, and the other is a fantastical world of creatures, a parallel world made up of five civilizations, visible only to a chosen few...
Pumuckl is a Kobold from a German radio play series for children. He is a descendant of the Klabautermänner. He is invisible to people around him except for the master carpenter Eder with whom Pumuckl lives.
Pumuckl was invented by Ellis Kaut for a radio play series of the Bavarian Radio in 1961. Later on it was turned into a very successful TV series. Three movies and a musical also deal with the adventures of the little kobold.
Pumuckl is one of the most popular characters in children's entertainment in Germany and several generations have now grown up with the cheeky but funny little Kobold.
Galaxy Park the story of six youngsters who work in a holiday park. Soon they discover that one of them is an alien. The six start the search to find the mysterious creature and try to figure out what his intentions are. But they are not the only ones who are interested in the alien..
Follow the heroic adventures of the Skylanders team, a group of heroes with unique elemental skills and personalities who travel the vast Skylands universe, protecting it from evil-doers and showing the next wave of Academy cadets how to do things the “Skylander way.”
They're mini, they're mighty and they're built for math! When someone has a problem in Umi City, Milli, Geo, and Bot use their mighty math powers to help save the day!
With a woof-woof here and a baaa-baaa there and a quack-quack, oink-oink everywhere, there's always some furry or feathered creature demanding attention from the Hansens. It's partly because Dr. Philipp Hansen is a veterinarian who's just opened a practice in the big old villa he's moved into with his family. But it's mostly because of ten-year-old daughter Greta, who never saw an animal she didn't want to adopt.
Butterbean's Café is set in the magical land of Puddlebrook and follows its title character, Butterbean, a young fairy who opens up and works in her own café, with the help of sister Cricket and friends Poppy, Dazzle, and Jasper
Follow 8-year-old Tiggy and his gadget-building cat, Gweeseek, as they search for the lost items of Wee Gee City. With Tiggy’s cheerful attitude and Gweeseek’s exceptional inventing capabilities, the duo humorously navigate day-to-day dilemmas at the Department of Lost and Found.