Princess Sarah was an ABS-CBN teleserye which premiered November 12, 2007 on primetime bida. The location of the series was shot in Camp John Hay in Baguio City and The Coconut Palace in Manila.
The said series is a remake of the animated series Princess Sarah, produced by Nippon Animation, based on Frances Hodgson Burnett's novel, A Little Princess.
Computer programmer Ken Gemberling – the titular "Fat Guy" – is accidentally sucked into his computer and learns he is destined to save cyberspace from a variety of evils.
Loosely based on the Chinese mythology of the same name, the TV drama tells of a young couple whose lives change when the woman accidentally drinks the soup of ten magical beans. From the ten beans, the woman conceives ten sons. Fearful and unprepared for their sons growing into adults, the couple abandons them. One day, a mysterious white-haired man appears in one of the brother's visions and delivers a prophecy that could change the ten brothers forever.
Imprisoned for 10,000 years for waging war on Earth, the evil Dark Lord is set to be released if the magical weapons that keep him trapped, the 12 Zodiac Stones, are destroyed. Power-hungry megalomaniac, Dr Grey, wishes to recruit the Dark Lord as his enforcer to help him reign over Earth. He sets off to find the stones with the help of the 12 Zodiac Robots or ZobotZ, which he co-built with ex-partner, Dr Charles. Each ZobotZ represents an animal in the Chinese horoscope, endowed with its powers and weaknesses. He only manages to steal 6 of the 12 ZobotZ. Now, only Dr Charles' assistant, Sky, is able to stop Dr Grey from achieving his evil goal with the help of the remaining 6 ZobotZ. An epic battle between good and evil ensues.
Seven years ago, a meteorite struck the Shibuya district of Tokyo. Alien lifeforms known as the Worms, emerged from the meteorite and became a threat to humanity. Ever since, Souji Tendou has been training while waiting for the Kabuto Zecter so that he may properly take up the mantle of Kamen Rider Kabuto. Making many enemies while at the same time meeting other Riders with mysterious origins, Tendou attempts to accomplish his goal at all costs: to destroy all Worms that threaten humanity.
When Chu Sheng followed his master doing funeral services, many strange cases happened and reminded him of his mother's murder. Back then, it was said that his father was bewitched by the fox demon and then killed his mother. Was the demon real, or was there a different truth behind this murder?
Born with psychic powers, Cho-ueang is vilified as a bad omen against the community. When she is only small, her father performs a spell to keep her hidden and Cho-ueang winds up travelling hundreds of years into the future. There, a family takes her in and renames her Panruethai.
Unexpectedly, Panruethai is returned to her original era, an era she has no memory of. All she knows is her powers have strengthened. Confused, she comes across a young man, Singkham, who mistakes her for a thief and apprehends her. However, she finds herself staying with him.
Since his father died, manga artist Ichiro has barely scraped by, forced to support his two younger siblings on just a middle school education. He doesn't even have time to learn how to use a computer, which forces him to keep wrestling with pen and paper. When his art assistants quit to strike out on their own, on top of juggling deadlines, family, and the constant fear of losing his job, Ichiro feels close to a total breakdown. But then a new assistant pops into Ichiro's life, and his prospects immediately start to brighten! She's an incredible artist, she always finishes on time, and she's beautiful, to boot! But she also seems to know an awful lot about him, and soon, she makes a confession that bends Ichiro's mind beyond the confines of Earth…
Jr. is an eight year old teacher. His students include babies and adults. This is a comedy portraying a happy daily life of a future world, full of dreamy images such as flying jet vehicles and flying houses.
Monkey,Monk and the Monsters Go West is a Chinese novel published in the 16th century during the Ming dynasty and attributed to Wu Cheng'en. It is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. In English-speaking countries, the work is widely known as "Monkey", the title of Arthur Waley's popular abridged translation.