One of the most controversial military endeavors in U.S. history quickly became a quagmire that embroiled American troops in South East Asia for over a decade and permanently scarred a generation, as well as embedded Vietnam in the American collective conscious forever. Includes: 'Jungles of Death', 'The Invisible Enemy' and 'Defeat and Departure'.
Long a hotbed of strife and unrest, the Middle East is the epicenter of some of the world's bloodiest and most sustained conflicts. Includes: 'Six Day War', 'The Iran-Iraq War', 'The Gulf War' and more!
Mount Kologet, Goldsboro, Palomares, Thule… Four nuclear accidents, four stains on the history of the Cold War. Four names that are now forgotten. These events lay undiscovered for years having been classified as official secrets. Now published, the files show how the relentless standoff between the two superpowers spiraled out of control and led us to the brink of obliteration.
When Nazi Germany unleashed its military might, a new world was introduced into the lexicon of warfare, Blitzkrieg – Lightning War! Nearly all of Europe fell before the horrifying power of Hitler’s seemingly unstoppable armies. With powerful archive film footage and highly detailed computer generated battle maps, we chart the progress of a deprived post World War I Germany.
This Battlezone Series looks at the Allied Invasion of Italy in WWII including the landings at Salerno and Anzio, Battle Of Monte Cassino and Gustav Line and the fall of Rome. Also action at the Gothic line including the Japanese American 442nd Infantry Regiment.
Features some of America's Greatest Generals: General Dwight D 'Ike' Eisenhower, George S 'Old Blood and Guts' Patton, and Douglas 'Big Chief' MacArthur. Bonus Generals include George C 'Organizer Of Victory' Marshall, Henry 'Hap' Arnold, Omar 'Brad' Bradley and Joseph 'Vinegar Joe' Stilwell. Introduced and Narrated by Ronald Reagan, Walter Cronkite, Lorne Greene, Walter Matthau and Mike Wallace.