Concise, all too brief, historically accurate accounts of shocking moments from the lives (or deaths) of famous composers. Brahms makes the list twice.
Using captured German footage to cover the growth of German aggression starting with the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the invasion of Poland. Animated maps show battle positions and advancements of the German Army.
Military training film in which an instructor takes a new B-17 bomber pilot through preflight inspections of the aircraft and preparation for departure.
Fury in the Pacific is a documentary about a pair of World War II battles in the Pacific: the Battle of Peleliu and the Battle of Angaur. It was co-produced by the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Marines, and directed by a series of combat cameraman. The film is noteworthy for its praise of the fighting abilities of Japanese soldiers, and its fast-paced editing.
Covers the United States involvement with Korea and testing of Korean weapons. John Ford directed this film which is the only color documentary made during the Korean War.
The Italian Campaign begins with the invasion of Sicily. The series features combat action at San Pietro, Anzio beach, Naples, Monte Cassino, The Gustav Line, and the final taking of Rome. Also a bonus feature on the Burma Road.
Sieg Im Westen translates to Victory in the West, served as a headline for a Nazi propaganda film. This series goes into detail of Germany's excursions against the Allies in World War II.
Covers battles and topics about German general Erwin Rommel. Includes Rommel's Afrika Korps, various actions taken by Roosevelt, and the many battles that took place in Africa.
This series covers the military career of the colorful General George S. Patton, with focus on his World War II action in Africa and Europe. A look at America's readiness for WWII.
These films document the history of the development of nuclear weapons, starting with the first bomb tested at Trinity Site in southeastern New Mexico in July 1945.
Nazi war criminals are hunted down and put on trail for atrocities committed during WWII. Contains Film of the concentration camps with survivors interviewed. These films follow the rise and fall of Nazism from the Munich beer halls to the Nuremberg War Trials. Includes flashbacks of a variety of Nazi war crimes against humanity.
Witness the events leading up to the Normandy Invasion, famously known as 'D-Day'. Cameramen took to the battlefield to document the genuine experience of war.
From gravity-defying wedding cakes to life-size animal replicas, bakeries across America give a behind-the-scenes look at their mind-blowing confections.
Vintage Tech Hunters features charismatic collectors Shaun Hatton and Bohus Blahut, who have turned an obsession with retro pop culture finds into their dream jobs. The vibrant duo scours Canada and the U.S., rooting through rickety attics, dusty garages, flea markets, and auctions for rare and nostalgic treasures. From original Nintendo Game Boys and priceless first-edition computers to animatronic toys, the pair aims to uncover rare and nostalgic treasures – because to the right collector, they’re worth a fortune.
Salt Lake City friends and baking experts Brenda Nibley and Alisha Nuttall transform clients' requests into edible masterpieces for the holidays with the help of their Gingerbread Dream Team.
Host and sommelier Vince travels to a new wine region each episode to explore its culture, taste the wine, meet the winemakers and cook delicious food pairings in a local restaurant.