What will the world look like in 2050? Where will advancements in science, technology, engineering, and math lead us? Host Chuck Pell takes viewers on a mind bending journey in search of these answers.
Time Team is a British television series which has been aired on British Channel 4 from 1994. Created by television producer Tim Taylor and presented by actor Tony Robinson, each episode featured a team of specialists carrying out an archaeological dig over a period of three days, with Robinson explaining the process in layman's terms. This team of specialists changed throughout the series' run, although has consistently included professional archaeologists such as Mick Aston, Carenza Lewis, Francis Pryor and Phil Harding. The sites excavated over the show's run have ranged in date from the Palaeolithic right through to the Second World War.
Some of the most thrilling weapons action sequences from movies and TV are put to the test. Join U.S. Special Forces veteran Terry Schappert and weapons master Larry Zanoff as they utilize the expertise of Hollywood's premier prop house and weapons builder — and break down some of the most explosive action in Hollywood history.
Legend has it that there is a treasure of immense value buried in the Philippine jungle - now a team of American experts, with the help of the only surviving witness, try to uncover the clues to solve the greatest mystery of WW2.
Amanpour gets personal with women she meets in various corners of the globe by inquiring about their intimate lives. In the process, she shines a light on what sex and love look like around the world.
Sex, lies and murder – what happened to Travis Alexander? This three-part special examines the most salacious murder case in American history. We explore the investigation and trial that captivated the nation with interviews from central figures.
The story of the brutal murder of the Clutter family in a small Kansas town in 1959, the resulting investigation, convictions and executions of Perry Smith and Richard Hickock, chronicled in Truman Capote's landmark book, In Cold Blood.
Using the latest research across the course of Hitler’s life, world-renowned experts investigate the man behind the monster and pinpoint the key moments in his meteoric rise and ultimate downfall.
Jamie Theakston uncovers the startling truth behind great myths, historical legends, conspiracy theories, ancient treasures, lost civilisations and war time secrets.
Finally, a show for all you dirt heads out there! Petersen's 4-Wheel & Off-Road Technical Editor Fred Williams introduces the new Dirt Every Day show with a brief overview of what it's all about and where it's headed. Check back in every other Thursday as Fred continues his crusade against asphalt.
In this documentary mini series, Shatner, in each of the five half an hour episodes, presents and interviews one of the people who played the five Star Trek captains before the 2009 reboot. Chris Pine interviews him.
Mykel Hawke is a former Special Forces survival expert. His wife Ruth is a television journalist. Together, they take on some of the most forbidding and remote locations around the world. Dropped into each spot, they must survive as a team for four days and nights, with only a knife and the clothes on their backs. As they test their will and their marriage, the two find common ground standing up to nature as husband and wife in the wildest places on Earth.
J.K. Rowling’s orphan boy wizard took the world by storm, but before the first book was even published Warner Brothers had their eye on a franchise. But how to make it soar? In a leaky shed in the UK, these cinematic wizards build a whole new world and changed filmmaking forever. Through a revolving door of directors, an assortment of magical creatures, increasing demand for visual effects, and a cast that is growing up, the Harry Potter series continued to fascinate audiences. Get behind the wand to hear the secrets of the trials, threats, and near-death experiences from the people who made the magic happen on Icons Unearthed: Harry Potter.
Jo Brand is joined by three different celebrity Bake Off fans to shine a spotlight on the good, the bad and the soggy bottomed from the most recent episode.
Marcia Lucas, Oscar-winning film editor and ex-wife of George Lucas, sits down for her first-ever on-camera interview and provides unique insight into the rise of LucasFilm — including her 14-year marriage to and eventual divorce from George Lucas — the editing of the original Star Wars trilogy, the origin of the idea that Darth Vader would be Luke’s father and if there were really originally plans for nine movies.
Host Emily Calandrelli, Harvard scholar and former Nasa employee, takes viewers on incredible journeys through space. She visits various NASA facilities as we search for answers about our universe. Xploration Outer Space is part of the Xploration Station two hour syndicated block airing on Fox stations throughout the country.
Railway historian Tim Dunn and Siddy Holloway from the London Transport Museum explore hidden areas of the London Underground that—despite being just feet away from where millions of people regularly travel—hardly anyone knows about. The pair will explore abandoned tunnels, secret bunkers and hidden staircases that have been concealed from public view for years.