A four-part docuseries that sheds new light on the infamous 1958 Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate murder case, in which the teenage couple was charged and convicted of brutally killing 11 victims at random.
An element of truth | Science and engineering videos
Veritasium is a channel of science and engineering videos featuring experiments, expert interviews, cool demos, and discussions with the public about everything science.
Francisco de Assis Pereira's crimes are revisited from the perspective of the victims, new reports from investigators and unpublished audio recordings from one of Brazil's most infamous serial killers, known as the Park Maniac.
On this immersive journey, Cara Delevingne puts her mind and body on the line in search of answers regarding human sexuality, its joys, mysteries, and constantly changing nature. In every episode, she shares her own personal experiences. Uniquely unfiltered and authentic, there's no limit on how far Cara's willing to go to explore what makes us all human.
James May recently discovered the online phenomenon of ‘Dull Men’s’ forums. Now, from his Wiltshire home, shed and pub, he embarks on a glorious ‘summer of dull’. Inspired by these forums, James creates his own solutions to the questions he finds there.
In 2004, Brazil is shaken by the disappearance of Priscila, sister of MMA world champion Vitor Belfort. The police are racing against time to solve the case, but twenty years later, they have more questions than answers.
J.K. Rowling’s orphan boy wizard took the world by storm, but before the first book was even published Warner Brothers had their eye on a franchise. But how to make it soar? In a leaky shed in the UK, these cinematic wizards build a whole new world and changed filmmaking forever. Through a revolving door of directors, an assortment of magical creatures, increasing demand for visual effects, and a cast that is growing up, the Harry Potter series continued to fascinate audiences. Get behind the wand to hear the secrets of the trials, threats, and near-death experiences from the people who made the magic happen on Icons Unearthed: Harry Potter.
Originally from a village in Michoacán, founder of Los Bukis and protagonist of an enormous solo career, Marco Antonio Solís managed to become one of the most important Latin composers; but getting there was not easy. Based on interviews and unpublished material, we will travel through time to learn about the history of one of the most important contemporary singer-songwriters in Mexico.