This richly detailed, visually stunning documentary series covers the entire dramatic saga of World War II in the Pacific. From Manchuria to Hiroshima, the people, armaments, locations and battles of the epic conflict are covered in 20 unforgettable episodes. The Allies' crusade to defeat imperial Japan's bloody expansion featured difficult, heroic fighting at sea, in the air, and on innumerable jungle islands.
In January 1991, following Operation Desert Shield, Operation Desert Storm was launched against Iraqi ground forces to liberate Kuwait. General Schwarzkopf, who commanded American-led coalition forces crushed Iraqi defense positions with various military technologies using a modern blitzkrieg strategy that routed Saddam Hussein's Iraqi Army. The results were the biggest tank battles since WWII.
Twenty Six cuddly ABC Monsters live within the walls of Capital Castle. If any of the monsters go missing, they will be wiped from every book in Capital Town.
A trio of paranormal investigators explores the dark fringes of reality for self-knowledge, academic status and profit. The team consists of Tsukiko, a beautiful Japanese woman gifted with surprising psychic skills; Parsons, a skeptic and scientist obsessed with collecting data and documenting strange phenomena; and Fortune, a free spirit and new-age mystic who enjoys trippy, out-of-body experiences in search of cosmic truth. Each episode includes a rollercoaster ride of occult rituals, sex magic, black magic, bizarre antics and characters. Viewers will witness shape-shifters, blood-sucking, demons, blood-bathing, zombies, ghosts, astral travel and other eerie apparitions.
You love Alaska, but how much do you know about the history of America’s isolated state? Enjoy 7 films featuring the beauty and mystique of Alaska, and get a better understanding of it in this special collection from the National Archives.
From cardio to yoga to abs and booty, Julia Bognar will show you how it's done. You will be burning fat and toning up from head to toe, as some workouts in this program should be repeated throughout the 21 day challenge.