In 1620, the Assembly of the Pilgrims decides to emigrate to the young America because of the persecution they suffer by the English crown. The film tells the adventurous journey of the Pilgrims to an unknown land and future.
When they are accidentally transported to the Jurassic Era, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles must find their way through prehistoric dinosaurs to return home while facing dangerous aliens from the future who have a nefarious plan for them. But things get even more complicated with the arrival of Triceratons, Bebop and Rocksteady.
A 17th century woman, imprisoned for fighting in a bar, recounts her past to a priest. She tells of her father teaching her how to fence, of being sent to a convent by her aunt when her father died, of escaping by dressing as a man, and of her life as a man following the escape.
Neverland, is in great danger! Captain Hook has hatched a twisted plan to capture Peter and his friends. In order to keep Neverland safe from Hook, the young heroes must fly head-on into adventure and protect their right to never grow up!
In the ruins of Tikal, a struggle breaks out for possession of the priceless treasure of religious people who keep their traditions. Violence, crime and assaults that nobody can stop. Only "The Whip", the legendary defender of the Indians, dares to confront the thugs.
Young Greasers, known as Raggare in Sweden, gather at a café outside Stockholm. Roffe is the toughest greaser and kidnaps his girlfriend Bibban, when he discovers that she is out riding with other guys. Bibban falls in love with the sensitive Lasse.
The Rosvola family – The Robbersons drive around the country in their pirate car robbing bypassing cars of their sweets, extra food and consumer goods. Life changes for the Rosvolas when they accidentally kidnap 10-year-old Vilja, a diligent school girl. Will Vilja succeed in escaping or will she become friends with the Rosvolas´ children Hele (12 years) and Kalle (9 years)? We are the Pirates of the Roads is a funny and crazy adventurous road movie for children.
Gordon Buchanan goes to meet the world's cutest animals to reveal their hidden biology, and find out why people have such a strong emotional response to them.
Bamboo Boys movie tells the story of four tribal's from the jungle who come to town in search of a doctor to cure their headman’s wife and to win the hands of Kuduki, headman's daughter. Being in town for the first time, everything seems new and strange for them.
Black Wolf is forced again to fight his rival, who now has been appointed California Governor. Against such power, the lonely 'wolf' fights a duel to the death.
During the first half of the 19th century, in a vast and desolated land fallen into anarchy, several armed groups drift along the infinite Pampas demanding support and food from the peasants. Even if they are bitter rivals, they all claim to pledge allegiance to the “movimiento”. Among these gangs is one led by Señor, an educated man who, with two of his followers, intends to found a peaceful new order. But while his enchanting words and manners seem appealing, his methods reveal an unstoppable thirst for power.
A repressed agoraphobic's daughter meets a hardened pastor's daughter, and while escaping their homes to attend the annual church youth group jamboree they discover their worlds aren't what they once thought they were.
Exodus to Shanghai tells the story of two lovers who have to escape from Vienna to China after Dr. Ho, the Chinese Consul in Vienna in 1938, issued Exit Visas to many Jews against the instruction of his superiors. Fannia, a New York Jewish Violin student, falls in love with the Consul's nephew Bruce. Together they must leave Vienna as the Gestapo is chasing them to get the Jews and Hitler's painting.