The short tells the story of a drunkard going through alcohol withdrawal, as personified by the Devil. Director Bob Stenhouse takes what could be a dark subject and makes it a funny madcap romp.
In Star Wreck IV: The Kilpailu ("kilpailu" is Finnish for "competition"), several new characters were introduced, now drawn by Rudi Airisto. He would like to take this opportunity to apologise for the silly-looking Ferret graphics - the palette simply ran out of colours. The Kickstart is sent to take part in a competition organised by a powerful alien race, the Zarquons. Further complicating Pirk's already impossible mission, Mr Spook, unable to bear Pirk's incompetence, resigns and returns to his home planet of Vulgarus. His replacement is Mr Info. Being a robot, Info is immune to Pirk's insults, but is at least as irritating as good old Spook.
Pirk's fumbling voyages continue in Star Wreck III - Wrath of the Romuclans. There were improvements in the graphics, a more complicated storyline, and lots of new, tasteless humour. Many consider this to be the funniest of the old episodes, although Pirk's excessive swearing did raise a few eyebrows back int he day... Star Wreck III saw the first of the now traditional red-shirted security guard jokes. Having wrecked his ship in the previous episode, Pirk now commands a brand new starship, and is sent to investigate a Romuclan attack plan on a backwater space station. It all ends with the most massive space battle in the history of the P-fleet, and it's lead by Pirk... With odds like that, does humanity stand a chance?
Samuli returns to the crime scene in Star Wreck II: The Old Shit, this time with Rudi Airisto, who joins as a writer and the voice for the Vulgar, Mr. Spook. The second film is a huge improvement over the first in every way. This time the space battles and the bridge were rendered in 3D and more sounds and music were added. The acting was much improves and the crew come across as actual personalities. The film is full of slapstick humor and it actually works very well at times. This time, Pirk's mission is to go to the Fibula sector and destroy all enemies. But before getting to fire a single shot, the crew of the Kickstart must solve some serious problems on their own ship...
Struggling Swenson the baker is down to just a single donut remaining in his shop. He gives it to a blind beggar who stops in. Later, while Swenson sleeps, the kindness is rewarded.
Crime strikes the vegetable world when Mrs. Mama Carrot awakens and finds her children have been carrot-napped. She summons the Irish-Potato Police and they are soon on the trail of the culprit. But the various suspects they round up, and grill, aren't the criminals. They finally track down the guilty parties, who turn out to be a gang of mice in disguise. Thrown into a third-degree mousetrap, the mice soon confess.
An elderly, suicidal Woody Woodpecker reminisces about his life as a woodpecker, as his ability to peck wood has vanished, leaving his life seemingly without energy.
Foghorn Leghorn's sharp-tongued, domineering wife orders him to sit on their egg while she goes out to play bridge, but Foghorn becomes careless, allowing little Henery the Chicken Hawk to take the egg away. Foghorn must retrieve it, or else!
Meet Galan, a Russian spastic geek who`d do anything to be a real, live samurai. But that`s just an impossible dream... or is it? When his friend Natsu, who is a successor of Japanese emigrants family, gives him the gift of an ancient sword, strange events unfold, and even stranger people drop out of the sky to attack. Now Galan must overcome his ineptitude and join a bunch of beautiful women in a wacky romp through a kingdom that time forgot. Hey, what could be better?