Palo Santo, a city on a distant planet, on which human beings are a rare commodity, worshipped and idolized by an android society. Olly, along with the final humans, is recruited to perform in a series of bizarre erotic cabarets, for an artificial master known only as The Showman.
After some decisive titillation by IPC 377, a claustrophobic man cages himself into a circle of hallucination. The film simply follows his fantasies frame by frame.
Zizu suffers from wasting his body and his health is ridiculing all around him. Zizu wants to become a sports hero to be a source of pride for the son of his sister Samir, who takes a higher example of his uncle.
When an ancient dragon awakens from its slumber beneath the earth, it’s up to the witches Yok, Claire and Aimottle to save thier village from destruction.
Richard cannot dream, and has turned to drugs to escape his reality. But when he hears that his dealer has a new drug which can make your dreams come true, he is desperate to get his hands on it.
After getting into a cemetery to take pictures for his website, Ludovic is caught by the old grave keeper. Waiting for the police, he shows Ludovic his book of tombs inside which are the most bizarre and intriguing stories he's witnessed.
Al’ya, a light-miner girl, desperately needs the help of her father, Qu’rai, to perform a forbidden sacred ‘Kirakira’ lightdance to resurrect an ancient being before they are stopped by a mob of angry villagers.
Seeking a refuge that may or may not exist, Max and her small family struggle to survive a desperate journey through the vast swath of apocalyptic infection that has destroyed their world.
Joe is moving in with his girlfriend - which means having to get rid of his old treasured couch, a symbol of his bachelorhood. When he begins to change his mind about moving in with her, his couch comes alive to show him the real 'cushion' in his life.
A gang of brave warriors, The Mutants, take a dangerous journey into the unknown in this action drama. Uncovering a secret conspiracy involving kidnapped children, the Mutants band together against great evil.
Chinese guy is murdered, so all of his family stars to look for the killer and then gets to know there is some thing more to the reason of killing with mysterious out come unraveling with time.
Connor, the new kid in school, is a lonely boy whose only friend is a stuffed toy named Beadie. When Conner brings Beadie to school, despite his father's warnings, a run in with a bully leads to horrific consequences.