Sahil and Harshita, overnight end their perfect relationship of two years. But, as much as they want to move on and move away from each other, they are stuck in awkward situations put up by their parents who make persistent attempts to bring them back together. Will their parents' concern cross the line and turn into interference? Or will they triumph in explaining the children that a relationship is just like 'Golkeri' - A sweet-sour traditional Gujarati pickle. The taste only gets better with time.
Man-hee, imprisoned for being caught up in an accidental violent case, will be admitted to a violent room where the king of prison can be found. On the other hand, with Tae-soo, the opposition leader being admitted to the same prison, a group of people who are unhappy with the king gather one by one, and the gang members face a desperate crisis.
Convicted of first-degree murder, Titus Freeman enters Death Row, determined to overturn his sentence but is forced to confront a haunting truth that he cannot escape.
Sajjala, an orphan, is raised by Appakaka, her father's friend. When Appakaka is falsely charged with killing Jayantrao, Sajjala's betrothed, she vows to prove his innocence.
Rama, a suspicious woman, lands herself in hilarious situations while trying to impress her husband, Madhav. Meanwhile, Dr Bagaram, a failed doctor, is in love with Ratan, Rama's sister.
Ajit Singh, blends in happily in to his new home in the middle of Australia. However, his brother Rajveer, finds it unbearable to be constantly labelled a terrorist due to his beard and turban that he keeps faithfully according to his Sikh heritage. Rajveer then decides to join the army and leaves home after an argument with their dad Sarjit. Fearing for his brother's safety, Ajit goes on a quest to go after Rajveer in order to bring him home. Ajit not only has to survive the outback, he also must to locate Rajveer within elevendays or it will all be too late.
Shino Sakuragi is an OL. She attends a wine party recommended by her boss, even though she isn't comfortable at such a fancy get together. There, Sakuragi meets Kazushi Oda. He is knowledgeable about wine and he doesn't show off his success as a businessman. She becomes attracted to him, but Oda gets arrested for accounting fraud later. Sakuragi is confused by the situation, but she keeps attending the wine parties and becomes hooked on wine.
Without a trace, Susie Potter vanished from her home in the quiet town of Skidmore, Missouri. Ten years later two reporters uncover a harrowing new detail, which leads them on an obsessive hunt for the truth through the dark labyrinth of rural northwest Missouri.
A woman campaigns for and wins election as sheriff in a crusade against the ineptitude and outright corruption of the local law enforcement in a small town in the West.
Years after his release from captivity as a hostage during the US embassy hostage crisis in Tehran, a former US intelligence officer comes face to face with one of his former Iranian captors in Los Angeles.
Jagteshwar, a librarian, has an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder which people around him have accepted. Ideologies clash when Amberdeep, a high-spirited girl and Jagteshwar share a roof.
75 Years after the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run's killing spree, bodies have begun to turn up again. A private investigator, Camila Ramsay, enlists Leo Zhukov, a true crime author and former cop, to solve the crimes before more people are killed and left scattered around Northeast Ohio.
A man vs. nature epic about how far a man will push himself to be with his loved ones again. Jeffrey Stevens is a wonderful father, friend and husband. But sadly, he must fight for his very survival after being stranded. With his own mortality staring him in the face, Jeff finds strength in the power of love.
Framed by scenes of Namibia's formal independence as a newly formed African country in 1990, Desiree Kahikopo's historical romance takes us back to 1963, soon after the 1959 uprising in Old Location — an area segregated for black residents of Windhoek, the capital of Namibia (then a territory of South Africa). It is in this setting that Sylvia Kamutjemo (Girley Charlene Jazama, who also produces), a black domestic worker, meets Afrikaner police officer Pieter de Wet (Jan-Barend Scheepers) on a routine passbook check. As the pair exchange letters and a story of forbidden love across racial lines unfolds, Kahikopo explores an underrepresented period of Namibian history with compassion and hope.