The comical misadventures of a genius man who after creating a female robot, must pretend that she's his girlfriend after his family mistake her for a real girl.
Two amazing foster girls, "Kat" and "Cee", have an exciting and life-changing adventure running away with their pony "Little Cooper" to find and save their horse from slaughter "Angel".
A teenage operative, who struggles to build a life for his younger brothers, is pitted against trained killers. He faces the dubious morality of his job and finds himself trapped between its' dangerous habitual lifestyle. But when his brothers' lives are threatened, Adin's need to take action becomes urgent.
Reeling from the recent loss of his mother, Riley Harrison claims he has seen a real dinosaur, to which his dad Wyatt Harrison and love interest Dr. Starr quickly write it off as a coping mechanism for his grief. Villians, Mr. Bigg and Dr. Vandersaurean responsible for the creature and its accidental release, try in desperation to recover it and capture young Riley before the public finds out about their diabolical plans.
An aging neuroscientist teams up with a group of young graduate students to prove his hypothesis that individuals with disabilities hold the key to unlocking a sixth sense before his past catches up with him.
Somewhere in New York City, a mysterious duo has targeted Frank due to his web searches, and want to test on him a new device that, if it works, could change humans forever.
In the year 2020, a lone traveler journeys across the apocalyptic wasteland in search of the new world that lies beyond the wall. What he finds along the way might make his goal more trouble than it’s worth.
Genbetter has been growing gourds and the massive orange veggies are on the attack. Jack and his friends have to stop an invasion of pumpkin headed monsters.
The good people of Middle America are being attacked by tumbleweeds! The U.S. military is testing tumbleweeds as weapons to destroy terrorists. The tumbleweeds have escaped. Now hundreds of innocent people in Middle America have been killed. 10,000 head of livestock destroyed, not counting chickens and sheep and, more than 300,000 children are suffering Killer Tumbleweed Trauma. The military refuses to take responsibility. Our government will not comment. Only one news organization is bold enough to report on this tragedy. The whole world is watching it unfold.
Cali, Colombia. 2002. José, a systems engineer discovers in his skin the signs of 'lytomiasis' a non yet classified mysterious disease where the body is totally covered by a second skin of voracious bacteria. Horrified José discovers 'replicas' of himself, as if his burst sick ego had multiplied itself ad infinitum. All the replicas are infected with the same virus and equally intent on a merciless pursuit of each other and as decisively intent on killing.
Triggered by the mysterious phenomenon of the space probe ‘Voyageur’ returning to earth, Virginie meets her dead father on a train one night. She sets off with him on a metaphysical journey through Bulgaria, where her long-forgotten grief catches up with her. The young woman is confronted with feelings of transience, eternity and loss, brought on by the resurrection of her father.
Continuing the Screen Two series of dramas is David Pirie's futuristic thriller starring Trevor Eve Germany, March 2000: Detective Alex Fischer investigates the murder of a young Danish woman, whose body has been slashed from head to foot. On the ground beside her are the words in Arabic: "We are crossing. "As the threat grows of a mass exodus of refugees caused by civil war in Russia, Fischer sets out on a hazardous search for the truth with refugee Anna.