A tormented game developer's recovery in the countryside is interrupted when she uncovers a mysterious message embedded in a cryptocurrency algorithm, launching a quest for answers which soon turns into a fight for her life.
An ex-Black Panther raised his daughter to be tough in a racist nation. After college, she and her friends decide to vacation away from the city but find themselves having to face the dangers of white supremacists lurking in rural America.
A hitman is driven by his relentless pursuit for revenge, but in the process learns that his love for family is much stronger. A love that leads to death and reignites a vicious cycle for revenge all over again.
During one night in the coldest city on the planet, a man is forced to cross the boundaries of the imaginable in order to save his wife, kidnapped by a mysterious stranger. When a stranger kidnaps a wife, her husband has no choice but to comply with the demands of the kidnapper. The price for the life of a spouse is six people killed before dawn. But who are these six? Do they deserve a harsh sentence? And what boundaries of his conscience is a man willing to cross for the love of his life? In the coldest city in the world, the nights seem endless in winter and you can't wait for the sunrise.
A defiant young woman takes the initiative to rekindle her relationship with her estranged teen sister. Things take a dark turn when the life she plans to leave behind interrupts their quality time.
A pair of private security operatives investigate the disappearance of a fellow agent after an undercover sting operation to trap an international arms dealer goes wrong and leaves a trail of dead bodies.
Investment broker Edmond Sanders learns the power of hypnosis from a mysterious man who goes by the name "Carl" and uses this new skill to get what he wants in life which leads him to something he definitely didn't see coming.
Soon after Mahal joins an investment firm she becomes distraught as she perceives an advance from Edmond to be an attack on her psyche. It looks to Mahal has Edmond attempted to hypnotize her. She now has to prove to her friend that she's not crazy.
Despite being from a noblesse-high society family, Kemi and her influential mum's desperation to get her married to a Billionaire's son led to an unexplainable event of a popular Tech bro and sudden rise of luck found rival. However, there is a Villain.
Max Mayfair is living the 'good life'. Having left his past as a gangster in NY, he now runs the most glamorous club in London: Rat pack style. London though is just as dangerous as Manhattan, only this time he has everything to lose.
Weight is a post-apocalyptic short film covering the year long journey of a drifter, Adam, surviving after the collapse of society in the United Kingdom. He stays alive by following instructions left to him by his father who raised him during the collapse.
Deep in a threatening forest, Sarah faces off with the brutal hunter who killed her sister. Its a cat and mouse fight for survival in this atmospheric thriller, this international story features no dialogue.Q