Granada, Spain, 1922. The composer Manuel de Falla, who dreams every night of the ancestral songs sung to him by his nanny, fears that flamenco art will disappear, so with the help of his friend Miguel Cerón Rubio and the poet Federico García Lorca, he organizes a contest to revitalize and promote it.
Join Fred, the old man with his deadly, talking Walker, Max, the tough guy who knows how to slice up zombies with his circular saw, and Sarah, the mysterious but powerful Nurse, empowered with the energy of the Otherworld. Hunted by the deadly, unforgiving Stalker, this trio must fight for their very existence if they're to reach the freedom of the Bridge of Rott, in their dangerous quest to escape the City of Rott.
A surrealist impression of psychic voyage via sexual union. Released posthumously, comprised of an extract from Foldes' unfinished feature-length animated film. Music by Pink Floyd.
After escaping from her jealous stepmother the Queen, Snow White comes upon a little house in the woods and makes her home there with seven funny, caring dwarfs. When the evil Queen discovers Snow White and offers her a poisoned apple, Snow White falls into a timeless sleep. A faithful prince arrives to kiss Snow White and to break the evil spell.
Simply put, 6 eclectic and diverse animation styles present some surprisingly adult little vignettes that, in theory, add up to a film. An apparent festival favorite.
A feature animated-documentary that focuses on sex and romantic connections featuring 21 diverse interviews with people from a wide range of genders, cultural backgrounds, abilities, and sexual orientations as they discuss Sex, Monogamy, Fear and Technology. The film is also collaboration of our production staff and 17 animators from 10 countries.
Although Yingying’s mother was killed in a modern day persecution and the little girl is alone on the streets of Northern China, an enchanted art form could reunite them. Enter a child’s world, where hope and imagination are more powerful than police batons or state-sponsored violence, where noble determination conquers all.
The strange stories of Boxi, the cardboard dog, and Cartommy the cardboard boy come to life in the imaginery world of a child, built from household waste. All characters in the series can actually be cut and folded from paper.
A groundbreaking feature film, both in style and content. A riveting live action story is presented in a new animation style that helps illustrate how moral lines can be blurred by necessity. A young female reporter returns to Iran to care for her ailing mother, but is soon drawn into reporting on a forbidden subject - the women and girls who prostitute themselves in sham 'temporary marriages.' Arrested, imprisoned, and beaten by officials who demand that she confess to her 'sins' (of trying to tell the truth), Roxana realizes that the only way to survive is to seduce her interrogator in prison. Amir falls in love with her, and against all odds, gets her released from prison, an act that helps her escape the country at the expense of his own demise
Two young fish, love to attend fish school each and every day! They learn along with their beloved teacher, who shows them the way! Fish School is fun and educational experience for kids of all ages!
On the hottest day of the year, an unknown virus spreads throughout inner-city Philadelphia. The infected victims, crazed by dehydration, begin attacking other residents of the neighborhood in gruesome ways. When the military is brought in to contain the situation, but realize they can't come up with a vaccine quickly enough, they fence off the area and let everyone die. A group of locals, stuck in the basement of their building, behind the fences, and separated from their family members, band together to try to survive.
In a household where meal times are a delightful feast full of bonding, fellowship and good eating, 3 members of this tight-knit family are diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus.