With help from a guardian angel, a spoiled rich, very material teenage girl learns that true value is found in assisting others and not in material things.
A 13-year-old boy becomes the target of bullies at his new school and is feeling hopeless, until he finds Marshall being caged up by a dog-hoarder in deplorable conditions. Finn knows he must rescue Marshall, but he has been abused by the other dogs and needs to see the vet right away. The bond of friendship is immediate.
Snow White enlists the help of her petite pals to go up against a vain queen, a role attacked with gusto by Angelica Pickles. Instead of marrying the handsome prince, Snow White wants to prove that friends are much more important than objects.
A songwriter who deferred his dreams to support his family gets a second chance when his 10-year-old daughter, Gracie, secretly enters his name into a song writing contest/reality show.
A boy goes on an adventure of a lifetime when Luna, a baby tiger cub, escapes from an animal sanctuary and follows him home. It is up to one boy, his friend, and his dog to return Luna to her home before she destroys his parents' home.
15-year-old Jesse is the only one who witnessed the stabbing of his friend Jonas. Now he has to face his family and friends from the BMX riders crew and explain the unexplainable - how he feels about it.
Strawberry Shortcake has a dream of fresh new fields of berry bushes - enough for everyone. But when the greedy Peculiar Purple Pieman rolls into Strawberry Land, he decides to steal Strawberry's dream - and everyone else's dreams too. In order to stop the Purple Pieman and his evil plan, Strawberry and her friends must travel to the Land of Dreams. Along the way, these special friends learn the value of working together to make dreams come true.
A dense fog falls over Southern California, sending a group of discontent vacationers to a mysterious island occupied by a jolly old soul whose Christmas magic works all year round. Before this trip is over, each of the weary travelers learn to see their lives through a more optimistic lens. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
A group of fruit and vegetables try to help the Nutcracker's army get a star up on a Christmas tree before midnight, and stop a rodent army from destroying Christmas.
The young Zuzanka, Honzik and Goat look for the children's parents, whom the devil has apparently kidnapped to punish them for producing devilishly good goat cheese. However, the children find their parents not in hell, but in the castle, where they must make cheese for Kobyl, the king's advisor. Kobyl gained the king's good graces thanks to the cheese. After a dangerous and corny adventure, Kobyl ends up in hell and the family members are reunited.
Unable to bear a child, Pooja is asked to compromise with her husband's new mistress or leave the house. Pooja's brother, Raju decides to fight for his sister and reunite her with her husband.
The film is based on the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin’s poem of the same name. In the midst of the wedding party of Prince Ruslan and Ludmila, daughter of Prince Vladimir, the girl is kidnapped by the evil sorcerer Chernomor and the witch Naina. Three former suitors for her hand set out, as does Ruslan, to rescue Ludmila...
A magic crystal causes double the number of gifts Santa can deliver all over the world and this makes for many happy gezinnetjes. His criminal assistant Basil however has a diabolical plan: he wants to steal the crystal so as to gain control over the minds of the children. The brave boy Yotan act to prevent and concocts a plan.
Supported avidly by his mother and more reluctantly at first by his father, a working-class Austrian boy joins the Vienna Choirboys, where he proves to be unusually talented.
Sparky is a spunky little sports car who can't wait to grow up, but first he needs to learn the rules of the road. Sparky snubs car washes, curfews, and speed limits, driving his poor dad to distraction.
One summer, Thomas comes across an old abandoned engine called Hiro. Desperately in need of repair, Hiro faces the Smelters Yard, so Thomas and his friends must work together to save poor Hiro from this fate.