When a single, successful female lawyer is involved in a highway car accident, she wakes up to find herself in an alternate reality where she's forced take on the responsibility of a full time mother and wife, dealing with her demanding architect husband and two difficult children.
Set in the late 60's, broken relationships and an astronomical event intertwine the various narrative threads - an abstract interpretation of the historical Christmas narrative.
Jack Carter, a man constantly living in a state of regret, takes his technology-obsessed family, including their lovable dog Buster, on a Christmas vacation to the mountains in the hopes of reconnecting with them. While on vacation, Jack and his family run into an estranged, uber-competitive friend of Jack's, who now lives the life of luxury Jack pines for. Through a series of juvenile competitions, Jack realizes that the love of his family is more rewarding than anything money could buy.
A court fortune-teller loses his mind after a conspiracy leads to the death of his lover. Hope appears to be on the horizon after he becomes romantically involved with his dead lover's twin sister, but more complications arise thanks to a chance encounter with a clan of shape-shifters.
The eccentric owner of a Los Angeles self-storage company finds his world come crashing down when his long-suffering wife dies, only to return as a beautiful ghost.
12-year-old Riley Ann Taylor recently lost her grandfather, who died right in front of her while teaching her how to play soccer. She soon finds a portal leading to the place people talk about but never see: Heaven. She gains a miraculous healing ability and uses it to help those who are sick but soon gains the diseases these people and animals had. You know what they say, every good thing comes with a price.
Adopted by a treacherous semi-scientific cult where extraordinary mental powers are common, extraordinary 12-year-old David begins an archetypal journey across two continents to find his destiny as Child of the Moon.
The singing, rhyming citizens of Hamelin hope to win a competition with rival towns for royal recognition. To this end, the mayor outlaws play (which is a bit hard on the children) and refuses to help a rival town when it's flooded. But rats (seen only as shadows), fleeing the flood, invade Hamelin in droves; a magical piper, whose music only children (and rats) can hear, strikes a bargain...which, once the rats are gone, the Mayor and council renege on, to their subsequent regret.
A medieval cult travels to the 20th century and kills people in an attempt to bring about the end of the world. The policeman must stop them by summoning the spirit of Nostradamus.
A psychiatric doctor driven to insanity by nightmare visions of Zé do Caixão trying to steal his wife is helped by colleagues who enlist creator José Mojica Marins to convince the patient that he does not exist.
God, heaven, and several Old Testament stories, including the Creation and Noah's Ark, are described supposedly using the perspective of rural, black Americans.
The inspirational tale of Chippey, the young scout elf who is assigned by Santa to restore Taylor McTuttle's belief in Christmas magic. When the boy breaks the number one Elf on the Shelf rule, Chippey loses his Christmas magic; the entire McTuttle family loses is scout elf, and both Taylor and Chippey lose their self-respect. Through the power of love and forgiveness, both of them learn the most important lesson of all: that true belief cannot be taught.
Ojo and Unc Nunkie are out of food, so they decide to journey to the Emerald City where they will never starve. Along the way, they meet Mewel, a waif and stray (mule) who leads them to Dr. Pipt, who has been stirring the powder of life for nine years. Ojo adds plenty of brains to Margolotte's Patchwork servant before she is brought to life with the powder. When Scraps does come to life, she accidentally knocks the liquid of petrifaction upon Unc Nunkie, Margolotte, and Danx (daughter Jesseva's boyfriend). So all go on separate journeys to find the ingredients to the antidote.
Capturing the sadistic serial killer "The Wolf" was just the beginning for rookie cop Johnny Morgan. As he escorts the monster to his new home in the dark underground halls of Parker's Asylum, bedlam ensues and Johnny along with a handful of civilians become players in a night of survival against the world's most terrifying inmates.
The fairies of Oz gather in the forest of Burzee one evening and weave a magic cloak that gives the wearer one wish, so long as it has not been stolen.