1815 England. Shipwrecked off Ireland and landed at Watchet Harbour, Somerset, Esmeralda Grimm and her half sister Fancy, set out on the final leg of their journey home to the House of Grimm. Stumbling upon a coven of witches in a ruined church, they flee for their lives and take refuge in a deserted tavern. Befriended by an amorous yokel, they awake to discover their horses stolen. Left to cross the wilds by foot, they are overtaken by a storm and forced to take refuge in a ditch with a tinker whose tales about the beast of the Moor make their night sleepless.
Bobo Buggins, a neurotic Throbbit, joins a throng of Dweebs led by Randolf the Wizard to help them regain their technological treasures trapped beneath Silicon Mountain and guarded by a mighty Drag Queen.
Cheeta-eh is a simple-minded jungle boy who is given a magical stone which turns him into a superhero, after he saves a girl from another planet. Being kind-hearted, Cheeta-eh puts his powers to good use, saving helpless people and doing good.
Prosecuting Attorney David Lunga's success is overshadowed by the terrifying secrets of Rosa, a beautiful but mysterious woman with whom he falls in love. What mysteries does she hide? As the macabre facts unravel, David comes face to face with his own demons and is driven to prove his innocence, recover his reputation and, above all, clear his own conscience.
Augustus Gladstone believes he's immortal. Squatting in an abandoned hotel in Portland, he shares colorful tales of his 150 year existence. From his travels across America during the depression, to befriending Andy Warhol, to seeing the 1900 Paris Expo, Augustus charms the film crew who discovered him on You Tube. Eventually Augustus sets out to find his only living descendant: Lucky Gladstone. His sojourn causes the crew to question their responsibility to Augustus, their subject. The Immortal Augustus Gladstone is about myth, mortality, and a film about film making.
Alexander Hell rides his Harley Davidson motorcycle out from the dark abyss to battle samurai sword carrying Vampires who are unleashing their vengeance on modern day Hollywood, California. Once on earth, Hell joins forces with an ancient Asian vampire.
Documentary that follows journalist Matthew d'Ancona as he investigates the claims of scholar Carsten Peter Thiede, who argues that the "Magdalen" papyrus, fragments of ancient texts, prove that St. Matthew wrote his gospel soon after Christ lived. The wide-ranging implications of Thiede's propositions include the belief that some gospels were based on eyewitness experiences and were not filtered through decades of revision and reflection.
A secret society is out to ruin a nobleman’s reputation and destroy those closest to him while a swordsman returns to find himself embroiled in the plot after discovering that the nobleman has married his childhood love.
The story revolves around three nasty villains' quest to retrieve the Seven Star Armor which will enable them to retrieve the sacred sword from a Taoist monastery.
Less tells the story of Finn Norman, a renegade artist who has severed all ties with his past to make his home on the streets. Living off what others throw away, Finn’s quest for a life free from attachment is threatened by his growing connections with a painfully shy cafe girl and a grizzled street performer.
Starting from where they last left off, the Spirit Warriors stumble upon a black hole to the Netherworld in their search for an ancient mystical and powerful amulet. Now that they've found a way in, there comes the problem of how to get back - especially as the Netherworld's dark denizens spring into action to give the Spirit Warriors a taste of their gruesome never-land hospitality.
In this eerie thriller from the Philippines, a group of high schoolers finds themselves contending with more than the usual teen angst issues. It seems they've run afoul of Ulanaya, a menacing, shape-shifting ghost bent on creating terror and pandemonium throughout the land. Can these adolescent, amateur ghost hunters summon the mettle to square off against -- and vanquish -- such a formidable otherworldly nemesis?
The small California town of Diablo is plagued with mysterious deaths after Sheriff Roberts Lopez unearths an ancient box. Legend has it that the box holds the sixteenth-century Mexican demon named Azar.