A struggling screenwriter is dumped by his high school sweetheart. Having no sense of direction in his life, he moves into a public storage unit, where he figures out life in a funny way.
Playboy-bachelor Vincent Lovell is faced with a challenge, find the true meaning of love. What he finds and what he does with the information, will set a precedence for relationships everywhere!
Phea is an aspiring singer-songwriter who feels stuck. Her music career has stalled, and her relationship to her girlfriend Justine is on the precipice. So when Justine stops answering her calls, Phea tries to find her to get some explanation — but she is soon drawn into the orbit of a dangerous human trafficker that puts her own life, and Justine’s, on the line. She swiftly discovers that she would do whatever it takes to save her lover.
Two couples discover they may not be have found "the one" after all, and whether they're ready to admit it or not, their friends will give them the push they need to find true love.
The film tells the story of Rusty McCaan, who is recently released from prison and struggling to find work in a rural American town. While trying to be a father to his 4 year old daughter, he finds solace in the arms of Maria, a truck stop prostitute who never stays in one place for too long.
In a global pandemic, chronically ill Beth is forced to confront her personal demons in quarantine. When she answers a call from a mysterious man, an unlikely romance opens a lush, new cosmic world through astral projection.
Wounded from his past, Sam is a self-doubting dreamer who discovers a rare and intense attraction to a stranger on a bus. He fantasizes about different scenarios of approaching the girl but never finds the courage to actually do so. Conflicted, Sam takes the audience into his own mind, where he confronts his long-time ex-girlfriend, Marie, face to face.
We get to see many shades of bonding between a husband & wife, a father & son, a daughter-in-law & mother-in-law, but most importantly the bonding of the village people with their lands. When it came to the safety of their lands, the whole village unites and brings a never-before-seen revolution!
Like mother like daughter. Punk rock one-hit wonder Dani Destroyer and her punk-playing daughter Kat (played by a real-life mother-son duo) transform their angst into lyrics, as they navigate intimacy issues and the tendency to ruin perfect moments in their search for true love. This music-inflected movie centers around two twisty love triangles.
Tensions spark within the community of a small high school when a senior, Tayla Henderson, goes mysteriously missing. A social media account called "beautiful.missing.people" sparks out of nowhere, posting a strange picture of Tayla, claiming that "She's not missing. She's right here. With me."
After experiencing a traumatic loss of a colleague, Saanjh starts seeing a mysterious girl in his dreams who takes him through the seven stages of grief.
Chellappa, a villager, returns to his village after finishing his education, and falls in love with his neighbour Sundari. Her father, the panchayat president, threatens to shoot her if the affair becomes public knowledge. He wants Sundari to marry his relative Raja, who owns part of the land he has been taking care of while Raja is serving at the military.
In the attempt to rise above personal and spiritual pain, a divorced father must first deal with his past hurts and insecurities. Until this becomes reality, he struggles with being able to truly love again or trust in a higher power.