Set in the same world as Archon Defender, this film follows the quest of a young woman, Desmerelle, as she confronts Lorem to free her twin sister Phaetra from the machine.
An experiment inside of a spacelab goes awry. The capsule containing the experiment is ejected and sent hurtling toward Earth, where it should have burned to ashes upon encountering Earth's atmosphere.
A film by Star Blasting comic book artist Bill Hughes. In the future of our dreams, there lurks a villain from our nightmares. Matt Mercury and his Rocket Rangers encounter a mutant super-genius, called Professor Brainwave, who is on a mission to steal the Earth. Brainwave is from a mysterious region of space, known as the Alpha Zone and he is under the control of a giant one-eyed brain called the Galactic Mastermind. Mercury is more concerned about the affections of his half human, half house cat girlfriend, Mulkress Dunner. Pressure builds on Mercury when Mulkress is kidnapped, along with the Earth. Will Dr. Syfer's robotic Lima Beans save the day? Can a cranky robot, an ape scientist, an inarticulate Cyclops, a molten man in an iron mask, a self-absorbed battleship Captain, an eight-year-old boy or a disaffected girl side-kick do any better? Will Matt, see justice prevail... or at least get a call back from his girlfriend?
After years of suppressing her inner child, Indigo, an elderly woman struggles with the cyclical war of the declining imagination via the rise of rationality, to revitalize her spirit before death.
The second phase of the Zelan invasion spans the globe as invincible robot monsters launch attacks from hidden bases in Antarctica, the Sahara Desert, South America and Japan.
Assassins hired by a corporation try to steal a breakthrough serum called Ambrosia, but the sample ends up in the bag of a young woman who becomes their next target.
The universe is so complex that even the greatest scientific minds on earth ultimately acknowledge that we do not understand the forces and true nature of the cosmos, let alone our place within it. Now for the first time, we can see in this documentary the un-seeable and unbelievable has been caught on video by multiple individuals who have not only captured mind bending video of Entities, UFOs and Angels, but have been profoundly affected by their experiences.
The feature film tells the central story of the franchise, focusing on Adam — one of the original survivors of the virus. The feature film is a re-mastered, re-edited version of the web series released in 2010. The film is directed by William Hellmuth and written by Abraham Sherman & Brian Walton.
Adventurer Alan Monroe is skeptical when a friend tells him of the secret society, Paladins of the Red Order, which exists to track the unearthly horror, the Shiftling. That is, until the Paladins are destroyed and the Shiftling begins to hunt the last person who knows of its existence: Monroe himself.