The latest figures from the American Medical Association state that up to 90% of cancer patients look for treatment outside of their healthcare system, a decision that doubles the risk of death. When taking treatment into their own hands, how will Grant who's chosen evidence-based treatment and Surinder, who's chosen a completely alternative route, make informed choices in an online world of misinformation? And what are the consequences of turning away from experts?
Mariah Carey's The First Vision, gives viewers an inside look at Mariah on the cusp of her meteoric rise to superstardom. This 1991 film contains early music videos, behind-the-scenes footage, an interview and songs from her very first live performance at New York's intimate Tatou Club.
Rebellion in God's council. Spirits of dead giants. Rival gods creating chaos. These are the things of myth and fairy tales, right? The Bible tells a different story. In the documentary The Unseen Realm, a light is cast on the strange and enigmatic plane of the supernatural that lies within the pages of Scripture. And what we discover are two distinct worlds—with vastly different inhabitants—created and ruled by one loving triune God. Based on the book by Michael Heiser. Featured exclusively at:
SCRUM follows the journey of one of the first Black college rugby coaches in the US as he builds a championship-winning team in only two years at a predominantly white Southern institution.
Conductor Rem Gekht leads the rehearsal of a school brass band. The sessions are interspersed with the children talking about the musical instruments they play.
A campaign team travels to Minnesota to lend support and hold elected officials accountable. They never quit asking people to be better and for the system to change, and change it does.
Filmed during the release of the much anticipated 2021 UAP report, The Observers is a mind altering timely comprehensive conversation that plumbs the depths of the UFO phenomenon and asks the hard questions at the heart of this global enigma.
The End of Blindness is the incredible true story of Dr. Samuel Bora, the only ophthalmologist for 3 million people in rural Ethiopia. Dedicating his life to serving the poor in his country, Dr. Samuel performs up to 60 cataract surgeries a day for those who would otherwise be forgotten.
Brian Tracy has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 5,000,000 people in 5,000 talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada and 74 other countries worldwide.
Tupac Shakur endures as one of hip-hop's most iconic figures and its most potent enigma - he elevated rap, changing it from a passing trend to a complex art form. Seen as a poet whose tales of urban alienation captivated young people of all races and backgrounds, he set the stage for the current and continuing evolution of the hip-hop phenomenon.
Three groups of adolescent girl friends from Quebec are going through tough changes. The process of inventing their own bodies and identity are being recorded on the move by their smartphones and shared with their peers from other parts of the networked world. Due to their strong need of external confirmation, they alter their lives into a series of retouched pictures and videos. The film camera, however, captures their feelings of void, loneliness and deep inner insecurities that are not so attractive for Periscope, TikTok or Instagram. An intimate portrait of adolescence is made with full comprehension of experiencing and self-presentation in a generation growing up on the brink of the real and virtual worlds.
“An American Prayer” is a documentary about ordinary Americans in an extraordinary time caught between love, duty, and stereotype, in present-day America’s turmoil. The film is also a fascinating record of the greatest democracy in the world in upheaval, and an urgent prayer to save the American Dream
Games are making increasing use of motion control technology. In the past, you clicked your mouse or a button on the console to control your Super Mario or Sim; then Wii Sports made it possible to control the game using your own body.