This is a film about the people living in the Alaotra region in Madagascar, and about the changes in their social and natural environments. This is also a film about the Bandro, the Alaotra gentle lemur (Hapalemur alaotrensis), that can survive only in the marshes surrounding the lake, and that is facing extinction due to these changes. This is also a film about research; on how to tackle complexity and grasp change. The AlaReLa (Alaotra Resilience Landscape) project aims to understand the various livelihood strategies of people like farmers or fishers, who use the lake, the marshes, and the land surrounding the lake to produce food and charcoal and other sources of energy. Follow us to some of Madagascar's hidden places - far away from the touristic centers - to find out what can happen when modern times seep slowly into traditional ways of living. What can be done to strike a balance between yesterday and tomorrow; between conservation and development?
In 1990, actor, comedian, writer and director, Robert Townsend, went against every obstacle in Hollywood, relying on his faith, street smarts, and tenacity to bring his passion project, 1991’s The Five Heartbeats, to big screens. The Motown-flavored story of the rise and fall of an African-American vocal group in the 1960s, the musical drama is the subject of Townsend’s documentary, Making The Five Heartbeats. The documentary chronicles the inspiring journey of a young black writer/director (Townsend) determined to present a new image of black people in cinema while endeavoring to create a classic.
A documentary about Top Value Television (TVTV), a band of merry video makers who, from 1972 to 1977, took the then brand-new portable video camera and went out to document the world.
A portrait of Japanese master chef Hiroji Obayashi and his wife Yasuyo over a sixteen-year year span as they managed the day to day operation of their LA restaurant Hirozen Gourmet.
Jesus' world is flipped upside down when his mother, Adelaida, undergoes emergency surgery to remove a brain tumor. Although most aspiring comedians build their careers on the road, Jesus juggles his responsibilities at home in Long Beach with open mics and auditions in the Los Angeles area, often driving more than two hours each way every day. As the pressure of his budding career mounts, the family receives more devastating news: Jesus’ father, Antonio, is diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer. An only child, Jesus becomes his parents’ sole caregiver. Transforming adversity into comedy, he uses his life experience as material for his routine. He continues to reach for his dream while taking over his father’s landscaping business to keep the family afloat. When his set catches the eye of producers at The Late Late Show with James Corden, Jesus may have scored the big break he’s been banking on.
In a juvenile detention centre in Chile. At night, young people are seized by nightmares as they wait to be prosecuted. An exploration of the relationship between their lives, crimes, and nightmares.
Documentary about the influence that master cello player Paul Katz has on four gifted cello players over the space of several years. It explores how music can influence and enhance the lives of both the teacher and his students.
Documenting the true life story of Jake Korell, a 98 year old German born Russian immigrant American trapper, depicting a way of life that may be gone forever but which holds many life lessons in the struggle for survival that are still relevant today.
Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world, known for its lemurs and unique biodiversity and as the setting of the popular animated films. But the real Madagascar is much different than the world imagines. 'Madagasikara' is the story of three resilient women fighting for the survival of their families and the education of their children against the overwhelming forces of domestic political instability, international political hypocrisy and the crushing poverty caused by both.
On October 14, 2014, the two Eastern European countries of Albania and Serbia faced off on the soccer field in the Serbian capital of Belgrade. With Albanian fans not permitted to attend the game due to purported safety concerns, the stadium full of Serbian fans echoed racist chants and death threats. Tensions rose to a boil when a drone carrying an Albanian flag flew above the players and onto the field. Angered fans rushed the field, attacking the Albanian players, forcing the match to end. A history of political tensions, war, and sport is explored as we follow the journey of the Albanian national team on their first appearance in a major tournament.
In the frigid waters off of Russia’s Bering Strait, Inuit and Chukchi hunters today still seek out the giant sea mammals that have provided their people with food since time immemorial. It is known, that the whale hunting today is controversial and subject to international criticism and regulations. But the Inuit and Chukchi hunt is permitted by international law because of the whaling is the foundation of their culture and their life.
The contemporary story of elders Aleksandr and Aleksei blends seamlessly with that of “the woman who gave birth to a whale” and other ancient myths, told here in vivid animation, in this ongoing struggle for survival and preservation of a traditional lifestyle in one of the most remote places on earth.
The foundation of today's multi-billion dollar art market still reverberates with the beautiful lies of one of the most prolific art forgers of the last century.
Bill Coors is known for being a titan of the brewing industry but what is less known is the heroic personal journey he undertook to discover a holistic answer to treat the depression and anxiety that had plagued his family for generations. Bill's journey is told parallel to several young internet influencers - although 100 years divides them - their stories are eerily similar as is their fierce 'Will to Live."
A dramatic expedition into an unknown world, challenging audiences to embrace their curiosity and courage as they follow first year medical students through gross anatomy - the dissection of the human body.
Have you ever dreamed of surfing in the sky? To experience this ultimate sensation of freedom and limitless movement? The Flying Frenchies did it. Surf the Line is an immersive documentary that tells the behind the scenes story of a wild and crazy project, which required two years of preparation, complex calculations, the creation of a kilometer-long cable and a custom surfboard to the delight of our imagination. In order to live this extraordinary adventure, it was necessary to overcome the most difficult tests of life, self doubt, and engage in deep reflection. Extreme sports, buffoonery, genuine inventions and a lifestyle close to nature: plunge into the extreme and bohemian universe of the Flying Frenchies.
As Detroit makes notable progress towards a comeback, some people find they are being left out of the new financial and social improvements in the city. 'Losing Detroit' takes you behind the scenes of the race against the clock as local Detroiters fight to save their homes from being auctioned off due to tax foreclosure, and investors eager to buy their houses from under them for pennies on the dollar.
The 1960s environmental movement inspired young scientists like E.O. Wilson, Cal DeWitt, and Theo Colborn, some of whom were raised within America’s largest religious group: evangelicals. Today, a new generation of scientist/evangelicals includes Katharine Hayhoe, Ben Lowe, and Corina Newsome. Can this new generation revive the reach and relevance of America's evangelical and environmental movements?