Josef finds a propeller hat and does everything he can to be able to fly with it. That's roughly the short film narrative of film student Claudius, who does everything in his power to finally shoot his graduation film. But making films isn't that easy, not to mention flying.
Kid has returned to his hometown after being away for many years. He sets out on a personal odyssey to find his ex-girlfriend, encountering several Salt City Freaks along the way.
Unsatisfied with a past mistake, Chandler returns home to set things right only to find himself thrown into a late-night odyssey with buddies Jules and Ty.
After Alex wanted to surprise Catherine for her birthday by taking the staff of a restaurant hostage, the two unrepentant and hot-tempered women argue in an epic argument about how to use their metapsychic powers.
A year after being mysteriously dumped by his girlfriend Olivia, Conrad takes a box of her mementos to his self-storage unit only to be trapped on the top floor in a twisted game of cat-and-mouse with a knife-wielding killer.
Rupert, an unemployed Cambridge graduate, runs an anarchist commune in a house in East London where Steve, a homeless medical graduate, ends up renting a room. Five guys. One House. Anarchy Rules.
President Donald Trump's Space Force program has quickly become a reality and he insists on being the first man to walk the red planet. Would Trump really need to transfer his powers or could he just find a look-a-like to fill in for a few days?
A nest of vampires are dependent on the once famous Alchemist, Perenelle Flamel, to retain their immortality. When Sebastian brings home a modern Alchemist, the vampires are in peril and must escape destruction by the Old Blood.
When Lucien runs over a man with his tractor, he starts taking care for him. Despite his strange behaviour, the man seems to bring some sort of joy into Lucien and Martha's flattened marriage.
Ronen Matalon, born and raised in Jerusalem. He start make a tour guide. His tour, called "From Trauma to Fantasy" leads people in the footsteps of terrorist attacks on Jaffa Street in Jerusalem, and attempts to touch upon the collective trauma of those days.
After a very lucrative heist, a team of five professionals celebrate at their benefactor's summer home while they wait for their safe ride out of the state.
When an emotionally broken family moves into a house haunted by Tom, a suffering spirit, Tom sees an opportunity to try and save his soul by teaching the family how to live again...but quickly discovers that is easier said than done.