Dolma is the Tibetan name of Tara, a Buddhist female deity, and means 'she who saves'. Dolma is regarded as a Bodhisattva of compassion and action. She is known as the mother of all buddhas. Our team felt that Dolma relates to the message we would like to convey via our movie and used her name in the documentary title. One of the main legends about her origin as a bodhisattva tells a story of a young princess who lived in a different world millions of years ago. Her name is Jnanachandra.
Not My Life comprehensively depicts the cruel and dehumanizing practices of human trafficking and modern slavery on a global scale. Filmed on five continents, in a dozen countries, Not My Life takes viewers into a world where millions of children are exploited through an astonishing array of practices including forced labor, sex tourism, sexual exploitation, and child soldiering.
In The Fortune Wild, a new Sitka Films production directed by Ben Gulliver with support from Pacific Wild, a small group of surfers set out to seek their own kind of riches on some of the most remote beaches of the Canadian coast.
Charissa King O'Brien's intimate short documentary captures this pivotal collaboration between two influential artists, as world-renowned painter Riva Lehrer completes a compelling portrait of Alison Bechdel ("Dykes to Watch Out For," "Are You My Mother," "Fun Home") over the course of two years, yielding a highly satisfying work of psychological insight
Civil rights attorney Thurgood Marshall's triumph in the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision to desegregate America's public schools completed the final leg of a journey of over 20 years laying the groundwork to end legal segregation. He won more Supreme Court cases than any lawyer in American history, making the work of civil rights pioneers like the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks possible.
"We'll Never Turn Back" was filmed in Mississippi in 1963 during the dangerous voter registration drives of that era. Amzie Moore, a Mississippi NAACP activist escorted the film maker through rural Mississippi interviewing share croppers and activists in the voter registration campaign. Appearing in the film are Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) leaders Julian Bond, Bob Moses, Fannie Lou Hamer, Charles McLaurin as well as other local civil rights leaders Curtis Hayes and Hollis Watkins. There are interviews with black farmers and share croppers on their experiences (often bloody) trying to register to vote.
In Vietnam, there is a special market to find a mate. The Hmong people have a long tradition to go to this annual market where all people, married or single, can regain their freedom to love.
A documentary on how British double-dealing during the First World War ignited the conflict between Arab and Jew in the Middle East. The bitter struggle between Arab and Jew for control of the Holy Land has caused untold suffering in the Middle East for generations. It is often claimed that the crisis originated with Jewish emigration to Palestine and the foundation of the state of Israel. Yet the roots of the conflict are to be found much earlier – in British double-dealing during the First World War. This is a story of intrigue among rival empires; of misguided strategies; and of how conflicting promises to Arab and Jew created a legacy of bloodshed which determined the fate of the Middle East.
BROTHERS OF THE BLACK LIST tells the story behind the longest litigated civil rights case in American history. It all began in September 1992, when an elderly woman in Oneonta, New York reported that she had been attacked in an attempted rape by a young Black male who cut his hand during the altercation. This led to a college administrator at nearby SUNY Oneonta giving the police a list of the names and residences of the 125 Black men who attended the school. Police used this list to track down every Black male in town, questioning them and demanding to see their hands.
'New Offenburg' is a portrait of the little town of Ste. Genevieve, MO and its descendants of German immigrants from the Black Forest who founded three little villages called Zell, Weingarten and New Offenburg. This is the last generation of people who grew up as foreigners in the US, learning the Badisch dialect as a first language. Now they are Americans, but still keep their second identity, hidden and unknown even for their own children and grandchildren and the generations to come.
She is the most tweeted about person in history, with millions of views on YouTube, more than 390 thousands tweets every minute, Miley Cyrus is the woman everyone is talking about. Love her or hate her, the former Hannah Montana star is creating her own space in the world. Watch how it all began from her first TV appearance when she was 2 years old to the controversial VMA performance. Discover the girl, the teenager and the woman who set the world on fire.
To Olmsted, a park was both a work of art and a necessity for urban life. Olmsted’s efforts to preserve nature created an “environmental ethic” decades before the environmental movement became a force in American politics. With gorgeous cinematography, and compelling commentary this film presents the biography of a man whose parks and preservation are an essential part of American life.
D-Day: American medics Robert Wright and Kenneth Moore from the 101st Airborne (Screaming Eagles) set up an aid station inside a small 12th-Century church in Normandy, France. Over 36 hours, Wright and Moore help anyone brought into the church, even German soldiers. Seven decades later, the blood of the injured remains on the pews as a reminder of the compassion, courage and humanity shown there.
Gamble on Super Bowl? Here's the riveting inside story of the world's top pro sports bettors in Las Vegas, during the biggest betting event of the year. They bet with their heads - smart & methodical - while the weekend "squares" bet dumb and lose big!
This documentary depicts Johnson at work and the importance of the architectural act, the actual construction, and how the buildings interact with their environment — in this case, the autumn leaves or snow of New Canaan.
Activist/author Edward Abbey's legacy lives on in his best-selling books and now in director ML Lincoln's lively documentary. Lincoln pays tribute to Abbey and the environmental movement he inspired, reenacting his "monkeywrenching," and interviewing notable eco-warriors and present-day activists.
Throughout the year, at many prestigious dog shows, hundreds of breeders from all over the country present the very best. These dogs are representative of the astonishing diversity of decades of meticulous breeding. Get to know four of the top breeders, and their dogs, and share the years of knowledge & experience required to produce consistent champions. Caution: Show Dogs puts you behind-the-scenes so you can share the excitement and exhilaration of the World of SHOW DOGS!
Does sentencing a teenager to life without parole serve our society well? The United States is the only country in the world that routinely condemns children to die in prison. This is the story of one of those children, now a young man, seeking a second chance in Florida. At age 15, Kenneth Young received four consecutive life sentences for a series of armed robberies. Imprisoned for more than a decade, he believed he would die behind bars. Now a U.S. Supreme Court decision could set him free. 15 to Life: Kenneth's Story follows Young's struggle for redemption, revealing a justice system with thousands of young people serving sentences intended for society's most dangerous criminals.