Ayar, a first-generation American Latina, returns home to reunite with her daughter. But when her mother, Renata, refuses to let her see her due to Covid, Ayar is confronted by the many roles she’s been forced to play, including the role in this film.
Two hapless drifters, Frank and Bruno, team up with Linde to recover her land and trek across 1870's Southern Arizona to find an elusive frontier musician. The complex quantum time theory is blended with philosophical musings about art as the way we understand our history and memories, with gunfights, horses, dance halls, cacti, and saloons!
After becoming injected with a formula derived from an alien ship, a lab gorilla escapes from his containment and befriends two young boys. The alien formula causes the gorilla to grow to gargantuan size and rampage throughout the city and the boys must find a way to save their simian friend before the army takes him down.
An avionics engineer receives a letter from Mars One that he has been shortlisted to be on one of the first human expeditions to Mars. He completed the application form nine months previously, but had not told his wife or children. He must now break the news to them and let them know it is a one way trip.
For years, STAR WARS fan have squared off against STAR TREK fans over which space fantasy is the better choice. As a result, both franchises have been embroiled in a continuing battle for merchandise sales, publicity and box-office receipts. The science-fiction genre has never seen anything like it and, as these fictional universes continue to expand, the competition seems to be never ending. Star Wars vs. Star Trek: The Rivalry Continues compares the space opera worlds of George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry for a one-of-a-kind intergalactic documentary.
When seven nuclear attacks hit the United States, the country is thrown into chaos. But none of the areas are affected as severely as Southern California, where the radiation has created an infestation of zombies. Following Giovanni Fish and his family, Red Days follows a small group of survivors as they battle zombies and learn to live under a new communist regime. Set in the Not So Sane Universe, Red Days begins as the United States falls into chaos after seven simultaneous nuclear devices are set off, causing civil war and a break up of the union. Van and his family struggle to survive the aftermath of the attack. Stranded in his house for nearly five years, Van attempts to keep zombies from destroying what’s left of his existence as he slowly watches everything he believed in and knew about himself crumble into nothing. His last hope comes as his daughter who disappeared on the night of the attacks returns, but she has a secret of her own that could either save or condemn Van.
The Last Bite is an art-house feature film about Carlos, a tormented artist living in London. Carlos' perspective on life changes when he meets Veronica, an other-worldly woman.
A psychedelic agent discovers her Third Eye: a rollicking romp of antics between two secret agents colleagues. Only seemingly a low profile appointment. Half backroom and hail-fellow-well-met, half acutely yet inconspicuously earnest, almost solemn. After all it is matter of nothing less than briefing latest instructions concerning an untrained new approach to the missions, where the agents have to quickly master esoteric techniques for improving their insight abilities.
An online 'livecaster' with a dangerous brand has a crisis of conscience over her volatile career choice in a future world where jobs are limited and conflict is currency.
It's London, 1892 and Defendant 47 is on trial but can't remember who he is. He only can remember a few details, where he's been lately and glimpses of the past. Defendant 47 slowly starts remembering that he's mathematician who runs a photography studio. He now remembers that his preferred subject were children. Through them, he met Ellen Rhodes, the one who will only bring him to a dark end.
A Hawaiian ninja, drawn into a global struggle to control an alien fuel discovered on the moon, is forced to confront the consequences of his life decisions.
When the zombie apocalypse arrives, groups of survivors band together to defend themselves at any cost. Unfortunately for the remaining few, zombies have evolved into different species altogether and exist not just in this dimension but in a dimension of their own. With little hope, the humans gather strength for one last chance at saving their world in this intensely twisted anthology.
After six and a half years in the toughest prison the near future has to offer, Morris the fraudster tries to survive his last day in jail. With his booty of five million Dollars hidden safely within the prison walls he cannot wait to get out and start a bright future. But first he must survive the constant threat of the world ending outside and the attempts of his fellow inmates inside to get his money. With his cell buddy at his side, he struggles to keep his secret and hopes the world is still there tomorrow.
Some have described love as a spell. Others have described it as a sickness. What they have in common is the idea that love, in its many forms, has the power to overwhelm the senses and control behavior. Prism is an anthology feature in 7 chapters exploring several genres – comedy, dark-comedy, drama, science-fiction, and suspense.