Fifteen years after Cynthia put her daughter up for adoption, she learns that the girl has gone missing and immediately joins the search, determined to save the daughter she never knew.
Pro-cyclist Moriah Wilson's death is investigated as a potential murder when all signs to point to yoga teacher Kaitlin Armstrong killing the young woman in a jealous rage for having an affair with her boyfriend.
A modern team of explorers venture to the legendary "Lost World"- the remote jungle plateau of Roraima in Venezuela. Cut off from time and the jungle below, feared by natives because of "evil spirits", flying reptiles and other beasts, Roraima has sparked human imagination since the time of the 19th century explorers. Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle based his book "The Lost World" (1912) about men and dinosaurs on the tales from early explorers to this plateau. This was the inspiration for Jurassic Park. The modern expedition team encounters the animals, people and extreme habitat on its route across the Gran Sabana and up the 9000 ft. mountain. Once there they explore a new cave system, that may well contain new forms of life.
Milton, a lonely golden toad whose species are on the verge of extinction, finds himself in two minds when he realizes that his only potential mate is in the captivity of a group of human beings.
The Atlanta murders of 1979–1981, sometimes called the Atlanta child murders, were a series of murders committed in Atlanta, Georgia, between July 1979 and May 1981. Over the two-year period, at least 28 children, adolescents, and adults were killed. Wayne Williams, an Atlanta native who was 23 years old at the time of the last murder, was arrested, tried, and convicted of two of the adult murders and sentenced to two consecutive life terms.
When two best friends hiking the Grand Canyon trust an experienced hiking guide to bring them on an off-trail adventure, things go south when he takes them captive, and they have to fight both man and nature to make it out of the canyon alive.
Ten years after the devastating loss of her family, Millie is horrified when her friends start dying one by one. Could these recent deaths be connected to her tragic past?
In the Serengeti, cheetahs lead uneasy lives. Females must leave their cubs alone and exposed to the savagery of more powerful predators in order to hunt. Even scrounging scavengers can gain the upper-hand over this slender and graceful speedster. This extraordinary tale follows two cheetah mothers, struggling to raise their young in the face of constant danger. As their fortunes rise and fall, experience battles against luck for the upper hand and success against all odds.
Lions rarely hunt baboons because they are hard to catch and usually not worth the risk or effort. But there is one place in Africa's Great Rift Valley where baboons are plentiful and lions have learned to catch them.
A documentary that focuses on how animals born with unusual colours have a much harder struggle than normal. Follow white lions, a white baboon and a yellow crocodile.
While becoming the next upcoming entertainment mogul, Roman Perry learns about his brother's criminal activity, disrupting his career and family matters that unfold unsolicited secrets.