A shot breaks the silence of the night, four men flee from the scene of the crime. Umberto "Yes and No", the infallible killer of the Caputo clan, has just killed the wrong man. Now he will have to account to the boss. Unfortunately, the victim is the nephew of Tonino O 'Infame, the city's most feared boss. But this does not seem to be the biggest problem: Umberto "Yes and No" hides a terrible secret.
Marty, an anti-social realist, and Harry, a passionate ideologist, are two young writers who have come to Hollywood to make it as successful screenwriters.
Judith, a struggling artist, gets her dream job of working for a renowned visual artist named Roberta Roslyn. While cataloging Roberta's work she is shocked to keep seeing a girl who closely resembles herself, she learns that this girl is actually her boss's missing daughter Maddy. As she investigates the mystery of just what could have happened to this girl, she starts to develop a new persona and it comes to a point where she must decide if she is to leave her job or continue and risk losing who she is.
A championship high school basketball team provides pride, tradition and hope for an African American community struggling to survive in the middle of one of the wealthiest communities in America - The Hamptons.
Alt Space is a psychological thriller that tells a contemporary story of what it's like to have a dissolving sense of reality. The story is told through the eyes of Julian and Liv, a young couple living in New York City.
A mysterious young man suffering a rare blood disease that colors his skin blue meets a young woman who looks beyond his unusual appearance as she struggles with dark secrets of her own.
Welcome to the world of the Sunset Society, a secret organization in Hollywood where parties are held, musicians gather and blood flows freely! Ace (Lemmy from "Motorhead") is the head vampire in charge who likes to keep the fun going while keeping the profile low. However, due to a few rebels in his midst, humans are starting to catch on to his vampire ways.
When an ambitious sorcerer summons three eldritch spirits from the darkness between the stars and they mistakenly transform into vampires straight from the 1980's, it's up to three fast-talking slayer sisters to put a stake in the lost boys and silence the sorcerer before the town gets bled dry.
Orlando is dying. Resigned to his fate, all he wants is to be left alone with his alcohol, drugs, and hermit crab. But his hopes of solitude are shattered when he is woken by Jean-Luc, an incessantly chatty Frenchman who happens to be a voice in his head. Now, in addition to cancer, Orlando must deal with Jean-Luc's never-ending questions and commentary, as well as the discovery that Jean-Luc is slowly taking over every sense of his body (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch).
Danielle's faith is put to the test when her secret is revealed entangling her son in a web of deception. Danielle must face the truth and seek forgiveness to restore relationships damaged by her deceit.
This documentary follows the evolution of the British sketch comedy troupe that redefined humor and shaped an entire generation of American comics, focusing especially on their conquest of the American comedy scene,
Sloane and her boyfriend Barrett return to her childhood home determined to ruin her father Roan's re-marriage. Family secrets surface and give rise to a puzzling future.
Depraved. Perverted. Wicked. Wracked with guilt over the death of his younger brother and struggling with his ultra-religious family, Tyler Iske is easy prey for the darkness called Corruptor.
This historic official film from Major League Baseball presents the exciting story of the Chicago Cubs 2016 World Series championship run through comprehensive highlights, exclusive access and interviews, and breathtaking footage.
Examines the pre-ministry life of Jesus starting with his baptism with John the Baptist. From there Jesus embarks on his self- exploration journey into the wilderness for 40 nights. He is tempted by the Devil thrice in various forms.
When Angela Walker is passed over for yet another promotion, she decides she's going to have to break through the invisible corporate barriers once and for all.