An ultra-Orthodox Jew, a couch surfing custodian, and a personal injury lawyer - risk everything to find their voices on the cutthroat New York comedy scene.
Two friends set out to make a movie that will change their lives, but they borrow money from the wrong guy. When they lose their star, and the production falls apart, they become aware that the situation is much graver than once thought. As their fates are decided, the audience realizes everything is not as it seems.
Story of a boy and his horse. Mike is the horse and is owned by Speck and his best friend Jimmy, together they have a paper route, on which they deliver papers to customers via a wagon pulled by Mike. Recently a horse track has been built in the area and attracts horse breeder and racer Colonel Whiteny. He takes out a subscription for delivery and meets Mike and Speck & Jimmy. Clever Jimmy talks both the Colonel and Speck into taking on the Colonel's pure bred race horses at the track with comedic results.
Comedian and actor Bill Bellamy hosts this installment of Shaquille O'Neal's comedy franchise. Featuring comedy veteran Bruce Bruce who teams up with Huggy Lowdown, Aida Rodriguez, and Brian "Da Wildcat" Smith.
Whoops! After an unintentional button pressing incident alerting Earth of its impending demise, Gail must find a way to reverse this misunderstanding and save the world!
Two little orphan brothers, Sammy and Bobby are looking for their father who left before they were born.They camp in the woods and call from a phone booth in the middle of nowhere, to ask random man one question: Are you our Dad? Dave, a suspicious man returns their call and claims to be their father. The boys knock on Dave's door with hope and one important question, the only clue their Mom left them before she dies: Do you love us more than money? 'I love you guys more than anything...' Dave does not know that he answers the question wrong...
Back in 1968, Bucky and the Squirrels topped the charts with their dance hit 'Do the Squirrel.' Unfortunately, on their first promotional tour, the plane carrying the band crashed and disappeared somewhere in the Swiss Alps - never to be heard of again. That is until now, 50 years later, when the plane is discovered with the Squirrels still inside - frozen alive. Naturally, they're taken to a cryonics lab to be defrosted. Long Live the Squirrels!
When Declan, a 30 year old husband and new father is squeezed out of a promotion, he finds himself wracked by internal crises, including career envy, bitterness over bad breaks and the still-lingering fallout from the suicide of his former creative partner. Searching for salvation, Declan surrenders to the role of stay-at-home dad, and is forced to face his demons while pushing strollers, changing diapers and heating up bottles all the while working to resurrect his dreams.
Three psychological troubled young men are on the verge of suicide. Their only hope lies in pitching their makeshift VR headset to investors and hopefully turn their lives around.
Dragged up all the way from the ocean bed, national treasures Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders are back together this festive season with a special 30th anniversary clip show that's bursting with brand new material, greatest hits, hilarious rarities, and even some never-before-seen footage.
A rock like alien lands on Earth looking for sustenance. What does it eat? Intelligence! One touch of the rock and it sucks the smarts, if you have any, right out of you. Dr. Belinda Garland studies the alien rock to harness its power. However the evil Amazing Jacques and his co-hort, The Spiderwoman, plan to use the rock's brain sucking power to rule the world.
When a man’s wife flakes on a last-ditch effort to save their marriage, his overeager brother-in-law joins him on a trip to a hipster resort in Nicaragua.
Greg Vincent is a struggling, alcoholic writer who has suffered a terrible loss in his life and is looking for inspiration for his next story. During this difficult time, he encounters a strange being from out of this world. Could this possible be the basis for the perfect story which could jump start not only his career but also his life?
After a night of drinking and gambling, Tyrell is awakened by an angry call from his girlfriend Meena and finds himself in bed with a strange woman, Cecelia, a local mob boss' daughter. Once the local mob boss finds out, he hires relentless hitman Shota. To make matters worse, the reward on Tyrell's head has dozen of others looking for him. Worst of all, Meena, the love of his life, is put in harm's way. Tyrell must make a stand by taking on the mob, taking on Shota, and finding the money to pay their landlord Mr. McGetty—all before the day ends.
A brash young Jewish filmmaker from New York tries to help an overly-zealous Baptist preacher in south Alabama make a movie about the Prodigal Son. In the process they both learn about the love and acceptance of the Prodigal's father.