An ex-lawyer and his team run an underworld service, they seek the most desperate and greedy to become fake criminals to take the fall for the rich and powerful's crimes in a process known as `Criminal Audition'.
Gypsy's mother Rose dreams of a life in show business for her daughters, but Louise becomes a huge burlesque star. Stage musical loosely based on the memoirs of Gypsy Rose Lee.
Badly planned trek across Dartmoor landscape brings four friends face to face with the Dartmoor Beast. Lost and afraid the terrified party has to fight for their own lives in desperate attempt to survive the night.
Set during World War II, somewhere in Eastern Europe. A German soldier is found dead near the village. The local authorities must find the culprit, or they will be all shot by the Nazis the morning after. There's no way to find the guilty one, but there's Ipu, the madman of the village, whom they promise a hero's funeral if he will claims responsibility and agrees to die in their place. He must decide, and time is running out.
A young woman, who wants to be in the Follies, is making ends meet by working at a department store's sheet music department, where she sings the latest hits. She is accompanied on piano by her childhood boyfriend, who is in love with her, despite her single-minded interest in her career. When a vaudeville performer asks her to join him as his new partner, she sees it as an opportunity to make her dream come true. Upon arriving in New York City, our heroine finds out that her new partner is only interested in sleeping with her and makes this a condition of making her a star. Soon, however, she is discovered by a representative of Ziegfeld.
A divorced socialite decides to join the Army because she hopes it will enable her to see more of her boyfriend, a Colonel. She soon encounters many difficulties with the Army lifestyle. Moreover, her ex-husband is working as a consultant with the Army, and he uses his position to disrupt her romantic plans by making her join a group of WACs who are testing new equipment.
Divorced father Will and divorced mother Jane start to meet at Denver International Airport when picking up and sending off their children to ex-spouses for holidays and summer vacation. They both long for companionship and love while struggling with the reality of being single parents amid a series of missed opportunities and fears of rejection.
Known to her clients as Dagmar, she's a classy Swedish call girl in Copenhagen. After two years, she's ready quit, and we follow her on what she hopes is her last day in the trade. She wakes at 9 AM, gets her first call and a marriage proposal, checks in with her doctor, pays final visits to various clients, arranges to lease her flat, passes on her black book to a colleague, tries to beg off on an impromptu session with Japanese businessmen, has a quick conversation with her brother, and makes a couple of charitable contributions. All the while, her eyes on the clock, there's the threat of her pimp finding out about her plans. If she pulls it off, what awaits?
GOOD FOR NOTHING is an adventurous romp set in the sweeping Old West from Mike Wallis in his directorial debut. Inspired by the Spaghetti Westerns and celebrating the Western genre with an interesting twist, the film follows an odd romance and the resulting emotional confusion of an outlaw who reluctantly develops strong feelings for a woman he has kidnapped.
A police officer has very little work as there is virtually no crime in his small California town...until three hoodlums appear and rape a young woman.
Having emigrated to New York and immediately got the kiss-off from her mother-besotted fiance, a Dutch lass takes a well-paid office job and starts liberally sampling the local male talent. After a while she decides to make her pleasure her business too, and as her reputation grows she graduates to a high-class bordello. Soon she realises she has the right talents to make a real success of a place of her own.
Network television executive Gavin hopes to reunite celebrated Hollywood stars Piper Grayson, Kate Westbourne, and Addie Holden in a TV special after their 1960s movie musical Boy Crazy is re-released. Though the three women share the same agent, Gavin's seemingly insurmountable obstacle is that they all cannot stand each other.
The Malacicis, a hard-working Italian family recently immigrated from Florence, open a fancy restaurant in the Bronx, N.Y., drawing the ire of another clan. Mike and Sadie Capomezzo, equally hard-working Sicilian caterers from the area, find they cannot stand Piero and Maria Malacici. But things get complicated when the Malacicis' daughter, Gina, and the Capomezzos' son, Rosario, fall in love.