Ria is an up and coming female boxer whose one and only focus is to be the best boxer alive. That's until she meets Tuga, who shows her that a life without love really isn't a life at all.
Ainsley and her mother Rebecca are a close pair, with a loving and affectionate bond. They're especially close because though she looks young, Rebecca has rheumatoid arthritis, which severely limits the use of her hands. Ainsley has to help her mom with many daily tasks, like buttoning up her shirt, and Rebecca can't do a lot of things for or with Ainsley. Sometimes Ainsley struggles with feeling different, but she tries to keep her feelings hidden from her mother. And together both try to live as normal of a life as possible. But when Rebecca and Ainsley face some prejudice and lack of understanding at the grocery store from someone who can't believe Rebecca has a physical disability, the pair learn to accept and stand up for themselves together.
Follows a young man who after his father is murdered starts making bad choices, goes through life-threatening consequences and, of course, gets into guns.
A young girl learns she may have to sell her beloved pet pig, Elvis, to a local farmer to save the family farm. Unbeknownst to her, the pig is in real danger, the farmer is planning a pig roast and not a forever home. After getting wind of the plan, the whole family bands together to save Elvis, uniting to reclaim their farm and prove that love is worth more than money.
It begins with the discovery of the Mungo Skeletons in Australia by Professor Bowler in 1969 and ends with the destruction of the Earth by solar flare in 2039. A unique fusion of science fiction, mysticism, and post-apocalyptic fantasy, The Rare Earth is a compelling drama beautifully shot in the wilds of Australia.
Galia García is a successful Afro Latina attorney in Los Angeles who returns to her small hometown after getting dumped days before Christmas. She realize her life has been lacking meaningful relationships since losing her mother and best friend. With the help of a 5 year old orphan, her 3 crazy Aunties and the magic of this small town, Lia heals from her past trauma. Ultimately, she'll rediscover her self-worth, the true meaning of family, and fall in love all over again with an old friend.
A zombie-obsessed, special needs adult who searches for his absent mom while a Korean family and gang compete to be his family. But he teaches everyone forgiveness with the help of his favorite zombie television show.
Ainsley is a misanthrope who hates people but when she suddenly finds herself in isolation with no one to talk to, she realizes how much she actually misses connection. Enter Ulysses, a dead mouse in a jar. With a little bit of loneliness, a pinch of imagination, and a mouse-sized tuxedo, Ulysses becomes her training wheels in this newly discovered world of friendship.
Everything changes for a rising hip-hop star, SEMBRÉ, and his manager, MARLENE, a talented indie artist in her own right; as they are dealing with the collapse of their five-year romance, a new producer shows up with a major record deal, forcing them to confront their past while navigating the price of loyalty and fame in the underground Chicago music scene.
After being scammed by a deceitful in-law, the Bell family loses their family restaurant and the three Bell sisters find themselves single during the holiday season. Hoping to rebuild their father's restaurant, the sisters create weekend holiday single mixers that include great food, dancing and unexpected romance.
Follows the story of a young man struggling with depression and a post suicide attempt. Is he broken, or are those around him who are supposed to be helping him actually in need of him more?
After a recent breakup, Derrick, a hopeless romantic, moves into a new apartment looking for a fresh start in life. He quickly discovers that his beautiful next door neighbor, Jessie, may be in an abusive relationship. When she reaches out to him for help, they hatch a scheme to get away from danger.
A famous Hollywood actress returns to her hometown where she is enlisted to participate in a Christmas play which threatens her small peaceful village with the chaos of Hollywood.
Sara is an attractive 29-year-old single woman. She works as a secretary at the army headquarters in Prague. Although strong young men constantly surround her, she has not found a partner yet, probably due to her authoritarian mother. Yet Sara enjoys solitude and has come to terms with her position as a detached observer of other people´s lives. She is fascinated when she meets the gallant, graceful, and soft-faced Martin. Gradually, their connection grows, but when Sara wants to take their relationship to a deeper and more physical level, Martin shies away. He is hiding a deep secret. Refusing to accept his unwillingness to open up to her, Sara compels him to expose himself, and when he finally does, it turns out he is intersex, a hermaphrodite. Sara’s love remains strong, but when she unintentionally reveals Martin’s secret to her family, she discovers that her joy at the relationship has blinded her to the reality of how society deals with “freaks.”