Eighty years on from World War II and the heroic D-Day Normandy landings, the story of the filmmakers who immortalised the terrible events of that fateful summer with memorable photos and film.
North American journalist Rachel Clark uncovers a terrorist plot aimed at overthrowing the current president of Haiti. As a result, the UN mission to stabilize the country is forced to intervene.
A Russian flag bearer in World War II questions his will to fight. With a Russian flag as his weapon, he charges into machine guns. As war engulfs him, he must ask himself why he continues to wave his flag.
The film takes place in 1944 in a Moldovan village that had just been liberated by the Soviet Army. A young teacher creates a school pioneer organization. He is opposed by the school principal, who is hiding a fascist agent. With the help of a young teacher and his students, police officers manage to neutralize the criminal.
During a war, Private Felix is washed up on a seemingly desolate island. Alone and defeated, he must now survive in this new environment, however... A presence lurks in the shadows.
A young and disillusioned British diplomat abandons his diplomatic career, spends his own money, and risks his very life on a journey of faith and war in Ukraine. A country riven in pieces by indescribable events, sometimes called: an EU inspired and US -organised revolution, a Russian invasion, a civil war, a war of lies and misinformation, a war where thousands of people have died, and which created over a million refugees, and a war at the heart of Christendom which rips the very geopolitical foundations of Europe to shreds.
During World War II Norwegian patriots struck at Germany from the rear, linking Canada, the United States and Britain with Soviet Russia. Norwegian resources around the world were mobilized, and at Canadian training stations Norwegian airmen forged a lasting friendship between the two countries. Includes footage from the British film All for Norway.
In the twenty-second year of the Kangxi Emperor's reign (1683 A.D.), in an attempt to stop Zheng's blatant attempts at independence in Taiwan, the Kangxi Emperor sent Shi Lang, the governor of the Fujian Naval Division, to lead an army to collect Taiwan. An advance team from the imperial court paid a terrible price to lure Zheng's navy into a trap. Shi Lang led a large naval force to attack Penghu in a surprise attack, wiping out the main force of Zheng's army and eventually unifying Taiwan.
The main character of the film is a participant of The Abkhazian War, who, instead of protecting the integrity of Georgia, made profit from the war, then took refuge in Russia and returned to Tbilisi after three years...
Compiled from the Imperial War Museum Official Collection, this film collects rare and previously unseen film material shot by official cameramen on behalf of the RAF before the formation of the RAF Film Production Unit in September 1941. It tells the story of the RAF in the early years of the Second World War through the "phoney war", the Blitzkfreig and the Battle of Britain, capturing everyday life for those who served as wel as the RAF's frontline aircraft of the period. Other highlights include a fillmed account of a Blenheim raid on Northern France, a Sunderland flying boat sortie over Norway and Winston Churchill inspecting the new American aircraft for the RADF including the B-17, Douglas Boston and P-40.
The action takes place during the Great Patriotic War in Belarus. The village in which the boy Kastus lived was located in the partisan zone. He soon made friends with the partisans, who became close people to him. The loss of his older friends was unexpected and difficult for Kastus...