The year is 1985. In ten years, the Lebanese civil war has turned Beirut into a post-apocalyptic city. A resident who recently arrived at the USSR Embassy is facing an unprecedented threat. For the first time in history, Soviet diplomats have been kidnapped, two of whom are career intelligence officers.
Set against the backdrop of April 9, 1940, a night etched in history, aging 64-year-old Colonel Birger Eriksen is in command of Oscarsborg Fortress, a critical choke point that all ships must navigate on their approach to Oslo.
When Macbeth meets three witches who predict he will become Thane of Cawdor and then King of Scotland, madness born of ambition sets in, and he and his wife seize power by all possible means, leading to murderous consequences.
During his last morning in Belgrade, a military drone reflects on his wasted existence as a drone out of combat, while flying on autopilot to a couple having sex, a route his previous operator would take to spy on them.
Explores a ticking-clock scenario about what would happen in the event of a nuclear war, based on dozens of exclusive new interviews with military and civilian experts who built the weapons and have been privy to the response plans and have been responsible for those decisions should they need to be made.
Drama Student Leslie Barton comes face to face with his biggest challenge yet; Generational Trauma inflicted upon him by his Great, Great Grandfathers embarrassing death in World War 1. As Barton begins to struggle with PTSD Induced Nightmares, his demeanor and sanity continue unravelling into further madness, leaving Barton no choice but to set out on a quest to go face to face with the place of his hero’s demise.
Left without parents, having gone through hardships and hardships, Kasym ends up in a boarding school, where he learns true friendship and becomes a marksman. Growing up, he falls in love, goes through exploits and betrayal during the Great Patriotic War. A "thread" from the past helps him to keep a person in himself, which connects him with the roots of the family and the values of his ancestors.