Old Goats is a gentle comedy about the indignities of aging. Meeting at a weekly coffee klatch for the local over-70 set (no girls allowed!), three "old goats" from different social strata develop an unlikely friendship. One's a married, golf-playing, sports-car-driving businessman recently forced into retirement. Another is a salty octogenarian World War II vet and (still) devoted womanizer. The third is a shy bachelor car mechanic, just fired, who lives on a squalid sailboat . Theirs is the common tragedy of losing one's vocation, one's purpose in life. There's talk of sailing adventures, online dating, and a condo in Palm Springs, but these three live in common terror of the question, "What's next for you?" They know damn well what's next! And they're determined to avoid it for as long as possible.
A retired fighter pilot becomes the head of his alma matter military high school for two weeks with hilarious consequences. He shapes up the school and raises morale so that they are able to win the "brass-axe" competition versus another local military academy.
After being run out of town after town for trying to sell worthless stock, two con artists breeze into the small town of Chesterville, where they find themselves accused of kidnapping a young boy to whom they offered a ride. When that misunderstanding is cleared up, the two conmen hatch a plot to unload all their worthless paper on the gullible citizens of Chesterville.
Fiery blonde half-breed Yellow Hair and her easygoing sidekick the Pecos Kid are after a fortune in Mayan gold. The courageous duo have run-ins with an army of Mexican soldiers, a gang of dastardly bandits, and a lethal tribe of Aztec warriors while searching the countryside for said gold fortune.
Black comedy about an obsessive street graffiti artist, who falls obsessively in love with a frustrated artist he meets. Unfortunately, rather than trying to meet with her in a conventional way, he decides to mail himself to her with the help of a pet shop owner. Unfortunately, when he arrives, she is with another man, who immediately makes love to her against the box.
Lui is a powerful ex-minister who opposes the ambitious premier Hu Wei Yen. Lui is assassinated, so his daughter Lui Sin and an assorted band of people loyal to the emperor seeks revenge and justice. The premier made a mistake - he allowed a scroll of battle orders to fall into loyalist hands. Lui and Co learn this, and vow to take this proof of treason to the emperor.
World renown vampire fighter, Professor Bartholomew Dubbs is giving a weekend workshop on how to find and kill vampires at his Institute for Vampire Slaying. Little does he know that his class has been infiltrated by vampires and the leader of their coven, Camelia Bumbescu is out to kill Dubbs during the red moon to avenge the death of her lover 300 years earlier by Dubb's great great great great great grandfather Gunter Dubbs. The good Professor has three assistants lead by by Samantha Wilson who try to help but how can they possibly compete against this odd band of misfit vampires.
While seeking answers to a past he cannot remember, a schizophrenic must find the strength to control his mental illness as he tries to build relationships with those he pushed away. Winner of multiple festival awards.
Directed by Frank Lin this movie tells the story of a group of talented but financially struggling B-Boys that join an underground fighting ring in Downtown Los Angeles that uses Hip-Hop music and Break dancing to battle for money. To save the life of one of their friend's father, the B-Boys form a strong bond. They fight for each other, for their families and for a better future.