At the request of the Catholic Church in Lisbon, members of the Royal Archeology and Historical Association (RAHA) of Portugal excavate 78 mummies in a crypt beneath the altar of the Sacramento Church in Lisbon. In the course of excavation the researchers find handwritten books indicating there is a large amount of treasure buried - somewhere - near the mummy crypt.
Was Christopher Columbus born in Genoa, Italy? Most definitely not, say an unlikely collection of experts from European royalty, DNA science, university scholars, even Columbus's own living family. This ground breaking documentary follows a trail of proof to show he might have been much more than we know.
City of Ali is a feature-length documentary that tells the story of how the death of Muhammad Ali brought the people of his Kentucky hometown - and the world - together for one unforgettable week.
Corinthians has spent 23 years without winning a title. Its fanbase, however, only grew and became more and more present: both in the life of the team and in the political life of the country.
Following a national crisis, the citizens of Iceland rallied together to collectively write the first ever crowdsourced constitution. A deeply touching account of an eclectic group of individuals reinventing democracy through the rewriting of the nation's constitution, proving that Iceland is not a broken country but instead an intricate web of concerns, ideas, and ultimately creative solutions.
This insightful and informative documentary explores the popular world of Mindfulness from the perspective of four people who study and teach it. Mindfulness is defined as a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.
The video, "Coronapocalypse" refers to the coronavirus pandemic. In the video, the artist fights against the coronavirus COVID-19, an infectious disease and invisible enemy that has caused the death of many people and plunged the world into fear and uncertainty.
We follow New Zealand comedian Al Pitcher's search for what it really means to be big in Sweden. With a road movie and large portion of humor, Al discovers odd landmarks such as the world's largest cheese slicer and a big potato in Mjölby.
A tale about the new worldwide trend that embraces the concept of Slow-Life: taking a step back from today's chaotic, hectic life to embrace an everyday simpler life, enjoying every step of it with all our senses.
In this graceful study of the balance between solitude and community, artist and chef Jim Denevan roams across the US, transforming landscapes into breathtaking, sustainable dining experiences framed by ephemeral installation art.