Arangol, the life of an anonymous hero who becomes the Cid Campeador of soccer in a country that plays baseball. A story that reflects the constancy, struggle and perseverance of Juan Arango, who with his talent and a blind faith in himself achieves his goals. Conquering the world thanks to soccer has been his best example of personal improvement that expresses what the Venezuelans are made of.
A high school principal is embraced by his community as he continues to lead the school, despite rapidly losing his ability to walk and speak due to the debilitating effects of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
Mutah Beale, better known as Napoleon of Tupac Shakur's infamous rap group "The Outlawz" goes through an emotional roller coaster since birth. From witnessing his parents murder in front of him at the age of three, to reaching the attaining stardom with Tupac Shakur, and surviving shoot outs and more, Mutah goes through trails and tribulations that lead him to a life of spirituality.
Vespasiano, in the interior of Minas Gerais, is home to one of the few national penitentiaries specifically for pregnant women and mothers with young children. Guided by these women, we entered fragments of the daily life of the prison unit: evangelical services, conversations, confessions, doodles, vanity, fear, censorship, punishment, longing, memory and the constant struggle for the experience of motherhood.
“I’d never share a rope with him” is about as damning a comment as anyone can make about a fellow mountaineer. Sir Edmund Hillary’s words about Earle Riddiford in his last autobiography set the uneasy tone of this nuanced documentary by Earle’s son Richard Riddiford.
Over the course of the last several decades, the world has changed its views on a plant known as Cannabis. No matter what you call it, cannabis, marijuana, pot, herb, hemp, or by any other name, one thing is quickly becoming crystal clear: cannabis is fast becoming one of the single most beneficial substances in the world. Join us for a deeper look into this leafy wonder in Cannabis.
Joe Strummer was one of the most memorable figures of the 80's as singer for The Clash. His angry on-stage energy made him stand out as one of the most inspiration frontmen of all time.
An atmospheric documentary film portrait of the residents and community of Gibsonton, Florida, USA, the off-season and retirement home of thousands of circus and carnival workers.
Follow a young Mormon as he gives up 2 years of his life and goes off to convert the people. For 20-year-old Josh Field, it's an emotional journey full of sacrifice.
Steve Talt used to bodyguard Farah Pahlavi, the exiled Queen of Iran. So when he discovers that her art was stolen by the Mafia in 1980, he sets out on a quixotic quest to recover it.
In this utterly heart-affecting and enthralling film, two Holocaust survivors in South Florida form a klezmer band and begin an extraordinary musical journey that celebrates life and the transcendent power of music to heal.
In Hinduism, women are prohibited from entering the cremation ground but Gulab Maharajin performed Cremations at Rasoolabad Ghat, Allahabad for more than 60 Years.
Who was Nostradamus? What are his predictions about the future? A documentary about this mysterious man who, according to some investigators, could predict huge events like the Second World War.
A container ship is not an inanimate object. The ship that travels thousands of miles on the high seas is full of life, stories, tragedy and hope. The harbours reached, the industrial landscape one encounters, the cargo that floats in an endless ocean. Anina is a psycho-geographic film essay, documenting the ethnographic tendencies of the industrial landscape and its malevolent stature over the individual. The shipping industry’s ever-shifting landscape, affecting even this interaction you are having with this text, crafts its own mythology.
A documentary film which explores the racial disparity and corporate exploitation of African-American and Latino prisoners within the United States Justice System.
Say My Name is a documentary about two transgender women, Selem and Diana, who are struggling for the right to change their names and gender in all official documents and seeking respect from their families and society.
Go Big Or Go Home chronicles the training and aspirations of a group of young women in a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania pro wrestling school, and the often harsh realities of the lifestyle that awaits them, if their squared circle dreams come true. From tedious day jobs and mixed family reactions to grueling, late night, in-ring sessions that occasionally impart more bumps and bruises than skill, the women who opt to pursue a life in wrestling willingly leave all convention behind. Following a muse that's outside the norm, and willing to sacrifice anything for entry into a world that's more carny than commonplace, these new ladies of wrestling prove that, in a world of ever-increasing predictable mundanity, the human spirit is alive and well.
In a height of the #MeToo movement, feminism, and the infiltration of stand-up comedy by the politically correct, the life and times of courageous comedian Wendi Starling is examined.