More than a genre, salsa was a cultural movement that arose in a time of need for strengthening the Latino culture and spread across the world with such force that, 50 years later, is still moving the feet of dancers in the most inhospitable corners world. At the heart of the movement is the figure of Johnny Pacheco, know as one of the great musical legacies responsible for salsa music.
Witness volunteers from the U.S. Army’s most elite ceremonial unit take on the intense training cycle at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. Journey with the ‘New Men’ as they progress through a 9 month gauntlet of instruction, correction, and the endless pursuit of perfection. Watch as these soldiers are exposed to the rich history and honorable traditions of the brotherhood of Sentinels who guard the Tomb, as they learn what it means to protect our Nation’s Patriots amidst America’s most hallowed grounds.
Life Under the Horseshoe is a fun, entertaining and historical look at Spring City, Utah's only live FM stage radio show. The film teaches us a little about history while taking us back to the golden age of radio. The documentary interviews Mark and Vicki Allen, the show hosts while learning more about their interesting, but opposite family history. The film also highlights the historical Victory Hall, a one-hundred-year-old restored vaudeville theater on Main Street, and "Spit & Whittle" Avenue, where Charlie (1885-1936), son of Simon Beck, had a bench the women of the town called the "Bummer's Bench." The men claimed it was where important community events were discussed and decisions made. Simon's son Charlie, paralyzed at an early age, presided at the bench providing advice and wisdom to all comers.
Motorbike Dreaming is an extreme cultural adventure following two young Aussie adventurers and their fiancées giving wings to their crazy idea to be the first to fly microlights 5,000 km across Australia, with an award-winning filmmaker trying to keep up.
A group of treasure hunters discover a mysterious object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea in this documentary. Theories abound about the large object's origins. It might be a UFO, manmade, or it might be a naturally occurring phenomenon. Nobody knows.
George Nottoli, is a regular guy extraordinaire: family man, rocker, stunt man, and Sausage King of Chicago. At age 35, in need of a new challenge, George re-invents himself as professional wrestle, Vito 'Two Finger' Fontaine. Follow him into the world of pro wrestling where the more you love someone the harder you hit them....even if its with a rubber chicken!
When a fire destroys Cobb's Comedy Club in San Francisco, defiant owner Tom Sawyer and his crew of comedians rebuild it, hoping to revive the struggling indie comedy scene.
Why would intelligent, successful people give up their careers, alienate their friends, and cause havoc in their become Catholic? Donald Johnson travels around the country to get the story for himself.
American citizens who are normally marginalized, forgotten and left to fend against toxic dumps and other violations, come to understand that the only way to survive and save their communities is to challenge the system head-on.
Filmmaker Molly Gandour, in her mid-20s, returns to her childhood home in Indiana to speak with her parents in depth for the first time about her sister's death from cancer sixteen years earlier. The filmmaker comes of age as she weaves a deeply observed portrait of a family unearthing a long ago loss. Unflinching and poignant, Peanut Gallery shows us how we can transform when we begin to fill the silences between those closest to us.
Coming from a poor background in New Jersey, Bruce Springsteen grew to become one of the most recognizable faces in rock music. Having released classic albums such as Born in the U.S.A and Born to Run, Bruce Springsteen's music is legendary and unrivaled. His lyrics often depict the struggles of daily American life, and it's his ability to write songs that can 100,00 people unite and sing along that make him a true king of the rock genre. He sold more than 120 million albums worldwide and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Frame 1999. He came from nowhere to become a worldwide superstar. This is Bruce Springsteen...on the road.
The months-long battle of Monte Cassino, one of the bloodiest of the second World War, is related by the Germans and Allied troops who fought it. Men of the 1st/4th Essex Battalion and the German paratroop regiment are to the fore here, as they were 60 years ago.
Visually stunning and equally entertaining, Red Tide Pictures brings you the best, explaining what they do the best: Ride. Technical endurocross, deep sand, high speed desert, and deep wooded trails: no problem. This is not your father’s “instructional,” Heck, it’s not even your older brother’s. We have redefined the term through new age cinema technology that truly displays the dynamic form of each individual’s unique skill set.
"12 Months" (2014) - an award-winning documentary about a Los Angeles man who rents his three-bedroom home for $1 per month to help a family - he has never met - get on their feet. Told through the eyes of Felicia Dukes and her four children, the project puts a personal face on homelessness and encourages individuals to take personal responsibility for helping address societal concerns. This film has won Best Documentary at the Sunrise Film Festival in Nova Scotia, Canada, in October 2015, as well as has been screened within film festival in seven countries and 15 locations!
THE BEST OF IT takes an unflinching look at the life of a professional gambler. The character driven documentary focuses on the lives of Boston, The Shrink, Dink, and Banker who all chose to make a living betting sports. A gambler selects this profession despite knowing the life they fancied tends to chew up and spit out even the most seasoned gambler—an all too common tale in Las Vegas. A feud between Boston and The Shrink develops after accusations are made about gambling debts, but a gambler’s actual bank account balance is often based on rumors and half-truths. The outcome of a gambler is as unpredictable as the the games they bet.
Join young filmmaker Patrick Ireland as he tumbles down the rabbit hole, penetrating the very core of Anonymous in the build-up to the infamous 'Million Mask March' on the 5th of November 2014.
Count Karl Ulysses von Salis-Marschlins was a Swiss botanist and naturalist. He travelled widely observing and studying the lands he visited. In 1789 he travelled in the Kingdom of Naples. On returning home, he wrote a book about it. Here is how he described his visit to the "Casino del Duca" at San Basilio, the largest estate of Apulia, South Italy. "Anapeson" are these places, now, sleepless and abandoned within the distracted modernity. The History as ruins.
The story of Pink Floyd told by deejay Tommy Vance and actor Graham McTavish with the four members talking about the past, including about Syd Barrett.
Hunger in America is a powerful documentary tackling the hunger epidemic in America. Narrated by James Denton. What does the face of hunger look like? Is it a child in Ethiopia? An aging man in Somalia? Or a family in poverty-stricken India? This eye-opening documentary will change your whole perception on what hunger looks like. In America today, one in six people, including hard-working men and women, suburban families and children are struggling with hunger. Tonight, over 50 million Americans won't have enough food to eat by day's end. The face of hunger in America is not just the homeless, like everyone thinks. As it turns out, the face of hunger in America is the single mom, it's grandparents raising babies, it's the elderly, it's the infirm. This is their story...