The crash of Roswell wasn't meant for New Mexico. In 1947, a neighboring state had 3 major sightings that were swept under the rug. With The Phoenix Light's and Travis Walton's "Fire in the Sky", there's a rich history of UFO involvement in Arizona. This film focuses on fresh UFO content from present day, containing interviews from residents and law enforcement officers statewide.
First responders make up less than 2% of the population, but account for nearly 20% of the suicides. This doc looks at the mental health struggles of firefighters, police officers and EMTs, through the lens of a small town in New England.
Food is an important pillar of culture. It's what brings people together; it’s about family, tradition, and celebration. Food is where fusion happens. Mixed Up is a conversation about the desperate need for belonging and what it means to embrace your culture in New Zealand today. Led by Jess' introspection as she quietly cooks in a lonely studio, we meet four other women of colour: Hannah and Elizabeth, Nicky, and Matilda. Guided by a recipe and defined by different cultural experiences, we find parallels and similarities across their stories - mixed feelings of pride, shame, longing, and inspiration.
Witchcraft is mainstream. The rise of Witchcraft has been steadily rising and for good reason. Hear from practicing Witches on how being a modern day Witch is not what your parents warned you about. For better or worse, Witchcraft is here to stay.
Alexander Zinoviev gained worldwide fame primarily as a logician, sociologist, writer, author of the genre of sociological novel created by him, who marked new milestones in each of these areas of human culture with his work. Poetry and visual creativity of the thinker complement the image of what is called the Zinoviev phenomenon.
Step inside the minds of 16 international masters of photography. They share stories behind their most iconic images and techniques whilst learning their impressions of our world as seen through their lenses.
The Conflict between Jews and Arabs in the Old City of Jerusalem dates back many years. Since the birth of the State of Israel in 1948, there has been an influx of violence in the Old City. But is it really a religious war, or is it political? In this documentary Ali M. Jiddah, an Afro-Palestinian whose participation in the national struggle lead to him doing a lengthy prison sentence unveils truths and facts regarding the Old City, like never before heard on mainstream media.
Early humans may have discovered wine accidentally, but now it's grown and sold just about everywhere. Jim Hodgson stops in Egypt, ancient Rome, Spain, France and other locations to trace wine's delicious history.
Gentrification and displacement are affecting all big cities throughout the world, but none more egregiously than my hometown of New York City. As a Native New Yorker, I am disturbed to see my beloved hometown become a haven for the wealthy when it was once a city that valued culture and community over money. Before Covid happened, the sky seemed to be the limit for corporate greed and that is when I started making this film. I chose specifically to focus on two lower-class neighborhoods that are in peril- Queens and the Lower East Side. In documenting these neighborhoods under threat, I met local activists whose lives centered around maintaining the ethos of their community.
The dangerous elusive creatures who haunt the vast wilderness of North America. This movie documents the Oregon research trip led by William Jevning, a two time witness and author of nine books on Bigfoot. This is a no bullshit documentary. The creatures are real, and they will eat you.
On the night of February 24-25, 1942, amid terror and neurosis caused by the terrible Pearl Harbor attack only two months earlier, a huge flying object of unknown origin appears in the sky over Los Angeles. The military reacts by imposing a total blackout in the area and firing more than 1440 artillery rounds. However, despite the firepower, no object was shot down. We will try to understand what actually happened and who or what flew over the skies of Los Angeles that night of February 24, 1942.
Sinéad O'Connor is one of the most well-known singers of the 80s, loved for her authenticity and extraordinary connection with her audience. After her sudden passing, her voice will forever linger in the hearts of those who listen to her music.