Yukito, who gave Shinichi Saruhara/Saru Brother chiropractic treatment sees that Shinichi and Haruka Kito/Oni Sister are Super Sentai members, causing Ryoga to reveal that they are the Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger. While listening to their story, Shinichi is shocked to discover the big difference of personality between AbaRed and Don Momotaro. A Hitosuki later appears.
What if it were possible to meet one another in our sleep? One night, three strangers find themselves in a Hotel of dreams. They must navigate this strange world together before dawn.
Destiny has been told since childhood she has seizures when she dances. When she’s challenged to face her fear and dance, Destiny makes a decision that could reveal a secret she doesn’t yet understand.
Demon Chang Mian has been bound and enslaved in the Painting Workshop since she was a child. Now she is the best skin painting artist. The Demon King orders the capturing of General Shouyang's fiancée Qiu Sang. In the accident Chang Mian kills Qiu Sang and decides to take her place.
Casey (a nonbinary sheep farmer/cartoonist) and Robin (basically a vagabond) are lost in a magical forest, struggling to find Casey’s sketchbook so they can get the heck back home. Unfortunately, The Butterfly Queen wants the sketchbook too, and A) she’s clever, B) she’s desperate and C) she makes the rules.
When Max Causey was six, he accidentally killed Santa. 12 years later, Max rectifies his mistake by resurrecting him, but soon realizes the creature he created is a bloodthirsty killer and it's headed right to his friend's Christmas party.
Poof comes into existence when Cosmo and Wanda decide to have a child of their own, and Timmy wishes it so. However, because the fairy baby's magic is developing and uncontrollable, villains called the anti-fairies (polar opposite of fairies) and pixies (business fairies) seek to steal the fairy baby so they can take over the fairies' home, Fairy World.
Under the impetus of the 75th anniversary of the bamboo top-handle bags, the House presents a contemporary retelling of an ancient Japanese story entitled ‘Taketori Monogatari (The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter).’ Makoto Nagahisa stages the plot of finding oneself, along with true love, in a Tokyo betwixt and between reality and a dream. Dressed in looks from the Gucci Love Parade collection, Hikari Mitsushima, Aoi Yamada, and Eita Nagayama star in the story shedding a new light on the Gucci Bamboo 1947 and Gucci Diana Beloved lines.
The Secret Seam is a literal rip in the fabric of the universe. Nobody knows what it does, but there are those that are willing to kill others to find it, and the map to its location has just fallen in Jonathon Child's lap.
A retired frog samurai wants nothing more than to be left alone and spend his remaining years in peace on the golf course. But when he unwillingly becomes the protector of a baby turtle he must draw his club for one more round. An animated amphibious adventure for golfers of all ages.
Siegfeld Institute of Music Junior High.
An educational institution established for the purpose of training Rohedelstein, the future candidates for the roles of Edels. Two transfer students from Germany are due to enrol in the Junior High. One is Stella Takachiho, whose heritage is descended from Siegfeld's own prestigious family. The other is Shiro Ogami, Stella's exclusive maid.
With the pair's transfer comes a drastic change in the fates of fellow Junior High students Ryoko Kobato, Minku Umibe, and Kuina Moriyasu.
Liu Mei Fan works hard to meet the expectations of Akira Yukishiro and Michiru Otori, who are searching for a stage girl to carry Siegfeld on their backs.
The ones who must entrust it, and the ones who must be entrusted with it—the symbol of the noble king, "Regalia", will end up...
n the 19th century, with the invention of the daguerreotype, it became customary to photograph the dead. Often, the dead were seated in front of the camera along with the living. Photographers had to fulfill all the wishes of customers, and sometimes very strange ones...
A little bit of this and a little bit of that. When Queen Poppy stumbles upon Biggie playing dress up with Mr. Dinkles, she’ll offer a bit of colorful advice to get him holiday ready.
Satin and Chenille are officially over 24/7 togetherness. But once the most fashion-forward members of the Snack Pack see there’s some mischief only twins can cause, they might have a change of holiday heart.
In the 16th century, the French astrologer Nostradamus predicted that the world would end in July, 1999. According to him, cataclysms would transform the Earthinto a lawless place where evil would prevail. As the deadline approaches, little Kappei and several other children are isolated on a Japanese island to train in the mystical arts of Mukai Sappuken to save the planet. The problem is that Nostradamus has royally screwed up, so in the spring of 2022, their master sends them to live a “normal” life. Poor Kappei finds himself in Tokyo with shorts that are really too short, the attitude of a manga character, and the psychosocial baggage of a fossil. His quest for justice brings him his first friend, who introduces him to his first love. The apocalypse fighter has not been trained for this at all, and every emotion totally destabilizes him. However, he will have to adapt, as some of his less grounded comrades will soon force a confontation.