The Gospel of Mark filmed by The Lumo Project which brings the original Jesus narrative to the screen using the Gospel text as its script, word for word. Informed by leading world experts' latest theological, historical and archaeological research on every aspect of life in first century Palestine, this is a ground breaking multi-million pound film series that revolutionises the way we experience and understand the story of Jesus.
The Black Corsair sneaks into Maracaibo to take back his brother's body in the hopes of giving him a proper burial at sea. In the company of a little monkey, Carmaux, Moko and the Black Corsair soon arrive at a local tavern, stuffed with local folk who taunt and laugh at some men who have just hanged, rejoicing over their death.
An epic fantasy loosely based on Buddhist mythology, it is set in the mythical realm of Asura — the dimension of pure desire which is threatened by a coup from a lower heavenly kingdom.
Young princess Maria has had about enough of her royal life – it’s all lesson, responsibilities and duties on top of each other, every hour of every day. Overwhelmed, Maria is swept away on an adventure into the monster-filled dark, dark woods.
The story of the titan Prometheus, who stole fire from Olympus for people and was severely punished for this by Zeus: Prometheus' friend the blacksmith Hephaestus was forced to chained him to the rock, and every day the eagle that flew from Olympus pecked the recovering liver of Prometheus. But the agony of Prometheus was not in vain - people preserved his sacred gift.
A martial artist finds himself transported to another world where he must battle monsters, evil wizards, zombies, and other threats. Can he save everyone and get back to Earth?
Mr Corbett is a cruel employer to Ben Partridge. One night on New Years Eve Ben is sent out to deliver some medicine. Along the way he wishes his master was dead, little knowing that the man he is delivering to is the Collector of Souls.
While we follow the turbulent life and adventures of Aleksa, 13 year orphan, and his best boarding school friends Gordan, Maya and Vlada Grak, we learn that old and greedy villain Jovica Vuk find out that Aleksa is capable of seeing and finding the group of medieval knights called Zlodolci. They are the keepers of silver secret that enables them to protect, heal and revive those who deserve and therefore, they are capable of changing the course of the history. Jovica Vuk who misused the power to heal passed on him by his father, wants to take over their secret and secure himself the immortality. He tricks Aleksa to led him to them, but fortunately, Aleksa see through his plan. But, is it too late? Will Aleksa and his friends, although still kids, prevail in the final clash and defeat the powerful forces of evil?
Karukan, a ronin samurai, travels to the old west after his clan fails to stop a beast that has escaped Japan. He hires Langdon, to accompany him to stop the beast from killing.
Jae-young, an ordinary woman in her mid-20s is sentenced to death by an angel, and ascends to Heaven. Going to Heaven means nothing to her because she assumes Heaven is devoid of reason and humanity. But she accepts her fate and proceeds to bid farewell to her mother and friend. During her farewells, the desire for life starts to torture her.
Two lovers caught in a perpetual cycle of self sacrifice where one has to kill themselves for the other to become alive but they keep repairing each other trying to find a way to break the curse.
Embers and Dust focuses on the perspective of a young farm boy and his family, and how the night of Orson Welles' dramatic broadcast of War of The Worlds unfolded for them.
At the end of the 19th Century, young Fanning finishes his studies in theology at the University of Cambridge. During a walk through the countryside, the boy, inspired by the lecture of romantic novels, discovers an abandonned house, from which an old man is coming out. He returns to the house regularly without ever seeing its mysterious inhabitant. Fanning finally surprises the old man while he is sitting on a bench at the cemetery and manages to gain his confidence...