Miles apart, Molly and Lily become pen pals at 4th grade, continuing to write to each other throughout their lives. Things change however when Molly shows up at Lily's 25th Birthday, with an intention of taking over Lily's life.
For the film “Eating Differently – The Experiment” a field is planted for the first time with precisely those grains, vegetables, fruits, oilseeds and grasses that end up on our plates per person – and which the industry processes into animal feed, among other things. A field of 4,400 m2 is created, the area of a small soccer field that the "average" citizen needs.
Half-senile Ossi and his wife travel to celebrate Ossi's 75th birthday at an old people's home where most of their friends are already staying. Just before the festivities Ossi suddenly disappears and goes on tour to 'make an inventory of his life'. He checks into a hotel, poses as a publishing director to lure an aspiring female novelist, next travels to bother his old mistress and her new husband with his surprise visit and obnoxious comments, then goes to see his son for the first time in 34 years just to receive an even colder treatment. Meanwhile, his equally demented wife goes looking for him with a local policeman.
When single mother Julia realizes night nanny Olivia is turning her children against her, Julia must fight to prove that Olivia is not who she is before she gets custody of the kids for good.
Just one of the many far-reaching impacts of the slave trade on human history is on agriculture and horticulture. While the French plantation owners on the Caribbean island of Martinique had their gardens laid out, Versailles-style, their enslaved workers continued their tradition of using medicinal wild herbs. Nowadays these herbs represent one of several resources through which the people of Martinique counter the health and ecological ravage caused by the use of pesticides on the banana plantations. Farmers are reclaiming uncultivated lands to grow indigenous vegetables, without any industrial pesticides; they fight boldly for simple biodiversity.
Marc and Sam have been a happy couple for a long time. But they have to hide their love, as Marc is a professional footballer and is afraid of losing his career if his relationship with a man becomes public. When he meets his old childhood friend Emma again, who was dumped pregnant by her boyfriend, he asks her to play his token wife. But she is in love with Charles, unaware that he is Marc's half-brother.
Doctor Nina falls in love with the charismatic architect Mark, who was imprisoned for manslaughter. Her neighbor Melanie, unlike her husband, is thrilled with Mark. But one day Melanie disappeared without a trace.