Violently stylish and gleefully amoral, Part-Time Killer is a blistering achievement of DIY film-making, and was shot in under three months for less than $2,000. -- Stuck in a dead end job at a call center, Melody can barely pay her bills, much less cover the cost of her transition. Desperate for cash, she downloads instaKILL, an app that crowdsources assassins, and begins her bloody road to fortune. But when one of her targets turns out to be an important member of a criminal corporation, she unwittingly sets off a chain-reaction of vengeance-fueled carnage.
Tiger Wong (Jimmy Wang Yu) is a student of martial arts who made a promise to his late father never to show his martial arts skills in public. a gang of mercenaries raid a nearby village. The villagers, led by Fong Li, send a party to ask for his help. But Tiger Wong refuses to help or get involved in the trouble. Only after seeing the brutality of the gang does he decide to take some action.
Park, a bar owner, is forced into paying extortion money to the local gangsters. When Yong-cheol, a customer, sees this, he is outraged and tries to beat up the gangsters, but he is overwhelmed by their numbers. The gangsters cut off Yong-cheol's leg to teach him a lesson. Park and a young boy assist Yong-cheol in forging a new leg out of iron to use as a weapon to defeat the gangsters.
When the evil Empress Geela takes over the Planets of the Pentangle, five teenage princesses escape and disguise themselves as musicians to form a band called SpacePOP. Their mission: Spread the message of freedom, friendship and joy through music. Join the princesses on their adventures as they join the resistance to take down the evil Empress Geela, free their parents, and the people of the Pentangle all while spreading the joy of music, beauty, and fashion.
A construction worker seeking revenge, moonlights as a vigilante, and thwarts the completion of a sizable drug deal. A malevolent cartel boss kidnaps the workers wife, only to find he has underestimated the tenacity of his new adversary.
Explore a collection of cinematic original stories, follow each characters on their journey to self-heal, redemption & life as they travel their path to becoming who they are.
A Kung Fu master becomes a Jesuit priest ordained as an exorcist fighting demons in the streets, demons in the souls of the possessed and wrestling with his own.
During the final years of the World War II, Finnish sergeant Myllykoski and his fellow soldiers are forced to join the notorious Waffen-SS on a mission to find a mythical medieval chalice in the Soviet Union.
The Britons are betrayed and attacked by the Saxons. Separated from his people, the leader of the Britons is taken in and tended to. While recovering, he discovers how badly his people are being treated. Furious, he develops a plan to exact revenge upon the Saxons, and free his people, once and for all.
Up and coming MMA fighter Sloane Zaro is on her way to super-stardom when she comes home to witness the brutal murder of her mother. As Leonard Zaro goes on trial for killing his wife, Sloane trains for the fight of her life.
A masked vigilante named X must fight for his life against other killers when a mysterious cult discovers his true identity and wants to bring him into their ranks.
The King’s daughter Bodil lay dying in the arms of King Erik. Her lover Rune embarks on a quest to find the cure before Harald, who makes a tempting offer to the king. Should Harald find a cure for Bodil then he shall take her hand in exchange for the castle. Rune travels across lands, battling those who cross him to find the elements of the cure with surprising consequences.
An assassin, going rogue, kills an accomplice without his partner's knowledge. Meanwhile, two sisters, fueled by a burning desire for justice for their slain sibling, embark on a relentless hunt for the perpetrators. As they delve deeper, they uncover a tangled web of accomplices, all puppets of a shadowy organization orchestrating events from the shadows.