Deep in the Forest lurks a psychopath who returns 15 years after 5 hikers go missing. Mark Unit 121 is a forest ranger is sent to investigate , after 3 kids go missing on the mountain trail, a bloody trail.
Years ago the mermaid Xi Yin saved the Imperial guard Yan Lie. They fell in love, but the mermaid returned the ocean. It was rumored that the mermaid has a magical treasure, and Imperial concubine Shen Mei wants to claim this, at any cost.
The expedition for the Kiamichi beast up into the mountains was a tedious journey. For over 200 years the Kiamichi beast has roamed Arkansas, the Indians say he would raid the camp and steal the children. Now adays the locals are afraid to enter the woods at night. The howl’s coming from the woods are enough to make even a big man shake
January 1899 saw the worst storm at sea in living memory and the most astonishing lifeboat rescue attempt of the century. The coxswain of the Louisa lifeboat and his daughter struggle with nature, personal loyalty, and their duty to save the lives of strangers. Told via animation, Louisa: An Amazing Adventure is an exciting and uplifting story certain to entertain and charm the entire family.
When Captain Vek Tempus and his alien Space Squad crew get into an altercation with the evil Lady Gravatox, they're forced to escape through a wormhole and make an emergency landing on Earth. Once there, they struggle to find a way to make contact with their side of the galaxy, which proves difficult since everyone they meet assumes they're just people in ridiculous costumes.
A teenage operative, who struggles to build a life for his younger brothers, is pitted against trained killers. He faces the dubious morality of his job and finds himself trapped between its' dangerous habitual lifestyle. But when his brothers' lives are threatened, Adin's need to take action becomes urgent.
Reeling from the recent loss of his mother, Riley Harrison claims he has seen a real dinosaur, to which his dad Wyatt Harrison and love interest Dr. Starr quickly write it off as a coping mechanism for his grief. Villians, Mr. Bigg and Dr. Vandersaurean responsible for the creature and its accidental release, try in desperation to recover it and capture young Riley before the public finds out about their diabolical plans.
At her father's deathbed, Little Flower swears she will travel to Shanghai to locate his top students, Mercury and Stone, to revive the Ching Wu Men to beat back the Japanese still in the PRC.
When a biochemical weapon goes wrong and leaks into the local water systems, four strangers must work together in order to survive the zombie apocalypse. As they begin to uncover new information regarding the virus, the infected begin to grow stronger, faster, smarter, and larger in numbers.
Join Butterball the turkey and Missy the Dodo as they come to the rescue of Thanksgiving and embark on an unforgettable, clock-racing countdown to a holiday dinner. It's a Thanksgiving Movie for the ages.
A lonely career machinist falls for a troubled young artist and they are drawn together while being guided through a mysterious dimension to reconcile with their pasts.
"Some things are worth fighting for" Once upon a time there was a man named Jaan, A son to a murdered hitman, A protege to a mysterious mentor, Husband to a loving wife. Wanting a way out he must face his enemies but when you're the best you only fight yourself...
Get your CB out and come up with a good "handle" cause it's time to roll!
Legendary but tired ex-television star Duke Marietta is bet half a million dollars against his big rig that he can't for real what Burt Reynolds did for pretend in "Smokey and the Bandit!"
With many winks and nods to both the movie and Dukes of Hazzard, this Tongue-in-cheek adventure is not only aware it's a movie but that it's a movie within a movie!
A great action packed laughed fill ride for that Southern car comedy fan in you or a great introduction to folks unaware of the thrill of a fast car.