After learning that her younger sister has a rare disease, a young woman makes the desperate decision to get the money for a life-saving procedure by any means necessary.
Developed by scientists Harry and Meg, the "Quadrant" helmet allows your mind to transport you into a world where all your phobias and nightmares are real, while also granting you the strength to defeat them, liberating you from their control forever. But the Quadrant experiment is about to go horribly wrong. When Erin, a young girl who’s obsessed with Jack the Ripper uses the device to actually BECOME the Ripper, she unleashes a reign of terror, first in her mind in an AI version of old London created by the Quadrant, and then in reality, where she now stalks the contemporary city streets, seeking out victims for her blade. The only way to stop this savage new Ripper is for an even more vicious killer to enter the artificial Qudrant-verse and bring her down. What ensues is a brutal, bloody battle, murderer against murderer, both in this world and the surreal, dangerous, synthetic world of Quadrant!
An interstellar spacecraft was accidentally trapped in the Stargate Abyss. Only 4 of the 15 passengers were able to enter the hibernation cabin and get a chance to survive. Faced with precious survival quota, some people release the imprisoned alien monsters and attempt to massacre others by manipulating the monsters; others desperately resist the monsters, sacrificing their own lives to save more people. In this dark abyss, a just battle is beginning.
When Dr. Joseph Cawl and members of his Hidden Wisdom cult die in a mysterious fire, survivors contact a paranormal expert to find the truth. What they discover makes them the next target of a deranged killer.
After a deadly explosion on their deep-space vessel, a young astronaut wakes up on an escape pod with no memory of how he got there or of the explosion. With limited knowledge, he must listen to the stories of those on board with him to piece together what really happened.
A wayward astronaut finds himself trapped inside the collective consciousness of a planet that seeks to teach us how to conquer our past to move forward with the present.
On his way to prison, a man gets intercepted by a secretive government agency who task him to monitor a secret experiment in exchange for commuting his sentence.
When the evil space queen Metaluna unleashes a giant female cyborg to decimate an animal sanctuary, 50-foot-tall mutant mamas Frida and Diedre team up to kick some electro-chick ass! not viewing at your location.
When a cosmic threat crash-lands on Earth, it’s up to the Femaliens to stop it! In her quest for galactic domination, Commander Tharis will stop at nothing to bring home the ultimate prize: the planet Earth. The only thing that stands in her way is Alterian Collector Maxy Prime, who has taken up residence on the primitive planet on a fact-finding mission, befriending a few of the locals in the process. Settling into a new life on Earth, Maxy isn’t going to give her up home that easily, and when these two beauties from beyond the stars clash, they’ll leave a scorching supernova in their cosmic dust.
The Sci-Fi Romantic Independent film WITHOUT WARD takes place in the future where a one-world government; Contractualism, controls everything. A notable inventor, Ward (Martin Landau), creates a drug which allows people to literally live in their wildest dreams. Over the next 20 years, 50% of the world's population ends up on the drug, while the Union of United Esquires, lawyers with guns that act as the worlds police force by fulfilling and enforcing contracts, take care of them.
Ever wonder what it would be like to bring your favorite dead rock star back to life? Alberta certainly has. Since she was a kid, she's dreamed of a world where ultimate 60s rock icon Russell Aquarius was still alive and writing songs just for her. Now a successful computer programmer, she takes her fandom and wishful thinking a step further and makes a Russell Aquarius avatar. Her loneliness and a freak power outage give her more than she bargains for when sparks fly not just in her computer, but also in reality when Russell's avatar comes to life.
The malevolent inter-dimensional machine is still channeling monsters and blowing minds, but this time things get even more complicated with the arrival of mad med student Herbert West and his dreaded reagent!