When the malevolent Dr. Hauser, the Third Reich's maddest scientist, rises again with murder and mayhem on his mind, psychic journalist Elisa Ivanov awakens her own angel of death in Blade.
A man on the cutting edge of science becomes the first to successfully clone a person, but events unravel when the news leaks out before his team could prepare for what's to come.
A female doctor struggling to find her daughter after a long lost World War II biological weapon explodes on a U.S. military base in Bulgaria, turning people into mutant zombies.
A TV weatherman tries to prove his theory that a series of unexplained catastrophes are the result of powerful winds found in the upper atmosphere coming down to ground level. His claims attract the attention of government scientists, who need his help to control the phenomena before it destroys all life on Earth (Locatetv.com)
A commanding friend Pepito and Chabelo ask them to help uncover a gang who kidnaps children. They accept and are out to steal to join the band. Whenthey find that the band mesmerizes children with toys and then the kids are controlled by young boys and they controlled in turn by strangers with long hair and blue eyes.
"Mad Max" clone set in the not-too-distant future about a group of people trying to escape to a safe haven called Neon City after a solar disaster that has decimated the Earth.
In 2020, after the colonization of the moon, the spaceships Vega, Sirius and Capella are launched from Lunar Station 7. They are to explore Venus under the command of Professor Hartman, but an asteroid collides and explodes Capella. The leader ship Vega stays orbiting and sends the astronauts Kern and Sherman with the robot John to the surface of Venus, but they have problems with communication with Dr. Marsha Evans in Vega. The Sirius lands in Venus and Commander Brendan Lockhart, Andre Ferneau and Hans Walter explore the planet and are attacked by prehistoric animals. They use a vehicle to seek Kern and Sherman while collecting samples from the planet. Meanwhile John helps the two cosmonauts to survive in the hostile land.
After a terrorist with an implanted nuclear detonator gets shot, a team of scientists must defuse the bomb by miniaturizing themselves and going into his bloodstream. His organism's antibodies start to mass against them.
After his wife Amelia suffers an aneurysm that leaves her bedridden and slowly dying, police officer Carter Summerland searches for a way to revive her. He's approached by Wesley Enterprises pioneering a new program to extend life through robotics, they get caught in a public debate over human’s relationship with technology and her right to exist.
Promethean Kinetics has created Helios, a revolutionary clean coal energy source so powerful it rivals the force of the sun and will solve the energy crisis. But when certain governments start cutting safety measures required by Helios, the highly-explosive product begins to seep deep below the Earth's crust, producing giant blasts of fire and violent earthquakes above the surface. As cities shake and oceans boil, Eve Adams, creator of the Helios technology, rushes to investigate the subterranean phenomenon. As the situation becomes ever more dire, she is the only one who can save mankind, not to mention reputation.
When a deranged woman and her carny boyfriend plot to abduct her biological daughter from the girl's foster parents, the foster mother is plagued by premonitions and psychic visions.